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Pada II

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya III > Pada II

Second Pada : 1. In The Intermediate Sphere The Creation Is Effected By The Soul

So far it has been shown that the soul in the waking state suffers affliction since, in accordance with its deeds, it goes, returns, is born, and so on.

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2. And Some State The Soul To Be The Shaper...

And the followers of one sakha state in their text that the dreaming soul is the shaper of its desires: 'He, the person who is awake in those who sleep ....

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3. But It Is Mere Maya; On Account Of The True Nature Of The Soul Not Being Fully Manifested

The things appearing in dreams-chariots, lotus tanks, and so on--are absolute Maya, i.e. things created by the Supreme Person.

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4. But Owing To The Wish Of The Highest It Is Hidden; For From That Are Its Bondage ....

The but sets the objection aside. Owing to the wish of the highest, i.e. the Supreme Person, the essential nature of the individual soul is hidden.

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5. Or That (Results) Also From Connexion With The Body

The obscuration of the soul's true nature results either from the soul's connexion with the body or from its connexion with the power of matter in a subtle state.

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6. And It Is Suggestive, According To Scripture; This The Experts Also Declare

The things seen in dreams are not created by the wish of the individual soul for this reason also, that according to Scripture dreams are prophetic of future ....

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7. The Absence Of That Takes Place In The Nadīs And In The Self

Next the state of deep dreamless sleep is enquired into. Scripture says, 'When a man is asleep, reposing and at perfect rest, so that he sees no dream ....

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8. Hence The Awaking From That

Since Brahman alone directly is the place of deep sleep, Scripture is able to declare that the souls awake from that, i.e. Brahman; compare ....

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9. But The Same, On Account Of Work, Remembrance, Text, And Injunction

Does the same person who had gone to sleep rise again at the time of waking, or a different one?--Since the soul in deep sleep frees itself from ....

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10. In The Swooning Person There Is Half-Combination...

With regard to a person lying in a swoon or stunned, the question arises whether that state of swoon is one of the other states, viz. deep sleep and so on ....

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11. Not On Account Of Place Even Is There Any Imperfection Of The Highest; For Everywhere ....

The different states of the individual soul have been discussed, to the end that an insight into their imperfections may give rise to indifference towards ....

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12. Should It Be Said 'On Account Of Difference'...

But, an objection is raised, we observe, that the individual soul also, although in reality possessing the same twofold attributes, viz. freedom from all evil ....

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13. Some Also Teach Thus

Moreover, the followers of one sakha explicitly teach that the connexion with one and the same body is for the individual soul a source of disadvantage ....

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14. For Brahman Is Without Form Merely, Since It Is The Principal Agent With Regard To That

Brahman, although by entering into bodies, human, divine, and so on, it becomes connected with various forms, yet is in itself altogether devoid of form ....

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15. And In The Same Way As A Brahman Consisting Of Light; The Texts Thus Not Being Devoid Of Meaning

In order that texts such as 'the True, knowledge, infinite is Brahman' may not be devoid of meaning, we have to admit that light (intelligence) constitutes ....

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16. And The Text Says So Much Only

Moreover the text 'the True, knowledge, infinite is Brahman' only teaches that Brahman has light for its essential nature, and does not negative those ....

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17. This Scripture Also Shows, And It Is Also Stated In Smriti

That Brahman is a treasure as it were of all blessed qualities and free from all imperfections, the whole body of Vedānta-texts clearly declares:

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18. For This Very Reason Comparisons, Such As Reflected Images Of The Sun And The Like

Because Brahman, although abiding in manifold places, ever possesses the twofold characteristics, and hence does not share the imperfections ....

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19. But Because It Is Not Apprehended Like Water, There Is No Equality

The 'but' indicates an objection.--The highest Self is not apprehended in earth and other places in the same way as the sun or a face is apprehended in ....

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20. The Participation On Brahman's Part In Increase And Decrease...

The comparison of the highest Self to the reflected sun and the rest is meant only to deny of the Self that it participates in the imperfections--such as ....

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21. For The Text Denies The Previously Declared So-Muchness; And Declares More Than That

It is impossible to understand the text 'not so, not so' as negativing those distinctions of Brahman which had been stated previously.

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22. That Is Unmanifested; For This Scripture Declares

Brahman is not manifested by other means of proof; for Scripture says, 'His form is not to be seen, no one beholds him with the eye' ....

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23. Also In Perfect Conciliation, According To Scripture And Smriti

Moreover, it is only in the state of perfect conciliation or endearment, i.e. in meditation bearing the character of devotion, that an intuition of Brahman ....

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24. And There Is Non-Difference...

That the clause 'not so' negatives not Brahman's possessing two forms, a material and an immaterial one, but only Brahman's nature being restricted ....

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25. Hence (Brahman Is Distinguished) By What Is Infinite...

By the arguments stated it is proved that Brahman is distinguished by the infinite multitude of blessed qualities.

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26. But On Account Of Twofold Designation, As The Snake And Its Coils

It has been shown in the preceding adhikarana that the entire non-sentient universe is the outward form of Brahman. For the purpose of proving ....

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27. Or Else Like Light And Its Abode, Both Being Fire

The or sets aside the other two alternatives. If Brahman itself only appeared in the form of non-sentient things--as the snake itself only constitutes ....

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28. Or Else In The Manner Stated Above

The but sets aside the two preceding alternatives. One substance may indeed connect itself with several states, but the former of the two alternatives ....

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29. And On Account Of Denial

Texts such as 'This is that great unborn Self, undecaying, undying' (Bri. Up. IV, 4, 25), 'By the old age of the body that does not age' (Kh. Up. VIII, 1, 5) ....

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30. There Is Something Higher Than That...

The Sutras now proceed to refute an erroneous view based on some fallacious arguments, viz. that there is a being higher even than the highest Brahman ....

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31. But On Account Of Resemblance

The 'but' sets aside the pūrvapaksha. There is no truth in the assertion that from the designation of the Highest as a biidge (or bank) it follows ....

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32. It Subserves The Purpose Of Thought; As In The Case Of The Feet

Where the texts speak of Brahman as having four quarters, and sixteen parts, or say that 'one quarter of him are all these beings' (Kh. Up. III, 12, 6) ....

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33. Owing To Difference Of Place, As In The Case Of Light, And So On

Owing to the difference of limiting adjuncts constituted by special places, such as speech, and so on, Brahman in so far as connected with these ....

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34. And On Account Of Possibility

Nor is there any truth in the assertion that, because texts such as 'he is the bridge of the Immortal' intimate a distinction between that which causes ....

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35. Thus, From The Denial Of Anything Else

Nor can we allow the assertion that there is something higher than the highest because certain texts ('the Person which is higher than the highest' ....

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36. The Omnipresence Possessed By That, Understood From The Declaration Of Extent

That omnipresence which is possessed 'by that,' i.e. by Brahman, and which is known 'from declarations of extent,' and so on, i.e. from texts which ....

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37. From Thence The Reward; On Account Of Possibility

It has been shown, for the purpose of giving rise to a desire for devout meditation, that the soul in all its states is imperfect, while the Supreme ....

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38. And On Account Of Scriptural Declaration

That he bestows all rewards--whether in the form of enjoyment or Release--Scripture also declares 'This indeed is the great ....

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39. For The Same Reasons Gaimini (Thinks It To Be) Religious Action

For the same reasons, viz. possibility and scriptural declaration, the teacher Gaimini thinks that religious works, viz. sacrifices, gifts, offerings ....

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40. But The Former, Badarayana Thinks, On Account Of The Designation Of Deities As The Cause

The reverend Badarayana maintains the previously declared awarding of rewards by the Supreme Person since the scriptural texts referring ....

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1675 reads)

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