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Pada IV

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya III > Pada IV

Fourth Pada : 1. The Benefit To Man Results From Thence, On Account Of Scriptural Statement ....

We have concluded the investigation into the oneness or diverseness of meditations--the result of which is to indicate in which cases ....

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2. On Account Of The Self Standing In A Complementary Relation, They Are Arthavadas...

What has been said as to Scripture intimating that a beneficial result is realised through the meditations by themselves is untenable.

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3. On Account Of Such Conduct Being Seen

It is seen, viz in Scripture, that those who knew Brahman busied themselves chiefly with sacrifices.

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4. On Account Of Direct Scriptural Statement

Scripture itself directly declares knowledge to be subordinate to works, 'whatever he does with knowledge, with faith, with the Upanishad ....

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5. On Account Of The Taking Hold Together

The text 'then both knowledge and work take hold of him' (Bri. Up. IV, 4, 2) shows that knowledge ....

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6. On Account Of Injunction For Such A One

That knowledge is subordinate to works follows therefrom also that works are enjoined on him only who possesses knowledge.

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7. On Account Of Definite Rule

Another argument for our conclusion is that the text 'Doing works here let a man desire to live a hundred years,' &c. (Is. Up. II) ....

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8. But On Account Of The Teaching Of The Different One...

Knowledge by itself benefits man; since Scripture teaches that the object of knowledge is the highest Brahman which ....

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9. But The Declarations Are Equal

The argument that knowledge must be held subordinate to work because we learn from Scripture that those who know Brahman perform ....

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10. (It Is) Non-Comprehensive

The scriptural declaration does not refer to all meditations, but only to the meditation on the Udgîtha. In the clause 'what he does with knowledge,' ....

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11. There Is Distribution, As In The Case Of The Hundred

As knowledge and work have different results, the text 'of him knowledge and work lay hold' must be understood in a distributive sense ....

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12. Of Him Who Has Merely Read The Veda

Nor is there any force in the argument that knowledge is only auxiliary to work because works are enjoined on him who possesses knowledge.

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13. Not So, On Account Of Non-Specification

Nor is it true that the text 'Doing works here,' &c., is meant to divert him who knows the Self from knowledge and restrict him to works.

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14. Or The Permission Is For The Purpose Of Glorification

The or has assertive force. The introductory words of the Upanishad, 'Hidden in the Lord is all this ....

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15. Some Also, By Proceeding According To Their Liking

In some sakhas, moreover, we read that he who possesses the knowledge of Brahman may, according to his liking, give up the state of a householder ....

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16. And Destruction

There is moreover a Vedânta-text which declares the knowledge of Brahman to destroy work-good and evil- which is the root of ....

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17. And Of Him Who Is Chaste...

The knowledge of Brahman belongs to those who have to observe chastity, and men living in that state have not to perform the Agnihotra ....

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18. A Reference Only ... On Account Of Absence Of Injunction

The argument for the three stages of life, founded on their mention in Vedic texts, has no force, since all those references are only of the nature of anuvada.

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19. It Is To Be Accomplished, ... On Account Of Scriptural Statement Of Equality

Badarayana is of opinion that, in the same way as the condition of householdership, those other conditions of life also are obligatory ....

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20. Or An Injunction, As In The Case Of The Carrying

As the second part of the text 'Let him approach carrying the firewood below the ladle; for above he carries it for the gods' ....

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21. If It Be Said That They Are Mere Glorification, On Account Of Their Reference ....

The following point is next enquired into. Are texts such as 'That Udgîtha is the best of all essences, the highest, holding the supreme place ....

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22. And On Account Of The Words Denoting Becoming

That the texts under discussion have an injunctive purport also follows from the fact that they contain verbal forms denoting becoming or origination ....

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23. The Stories Told In The Upanishads ...

We meet in the Vedanta-texts with certain stories such as 'Pratardana the son of Divodasa came to the beloved abode of Indra,' &c.

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24. This Follows Also From The Textual Connexion Of Those Stories With Injunctions

That those stories subserve injunctions of meditation is proved thereby also that they are exhibited in textual connexion with injunctions ....

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25. For This Very Reason There Is No Need Of The Lighting Of The Fire...

The Sutras return, from their digression into the discussion of two special points, to the question as to those whose condition of life involves chastity.

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26. And There Is Need Of All Works...

If knowledge (meditation), without any reference to sacrifices and the like, is able to bring about immortality, it must be capable of accomplishing this ....

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27. But All The Same He Must Be Possessed Of Calmness...

The question is whether the householder also must practise calmness and so on, or not. The Pûrvapakshin says he must not ....

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28. And There Is Permission Of All Food In The Case Of Danger Of Life ...

In the meditation on prâna, according to the Vâgasaneyins and the Khândogas, there is a statement as to all food being allowed to him who ....

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29. And On Account Of Non-Sublation

The conclusion above arrived at is confirmed by the consideration that thus only those texts are not stultified which enjoin ....

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30. This Is Said In Smriti Also

That for those as well who know Brahman, as for others, the eating of food of any kind is lawful only in case of extreme need ....

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31. As To Non-Proceeding According To Liking

The above conclusion is further confirmed by a scriptural passage prohibiting licence of conduct on the part of any one.

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32. The Works Of The Âsramas ...

It has been said that sacrifices and other works are auxiliary to the knowledge of Brahman.

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33. And On Account Of Co-Operativeness

These works are to be performed also on account of their being co-operative towards knowledge in so far, namely ....

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34. In Any Case They Are The Same, On Account Of Twofold Inferential Signs

There is no radical difference of works; but in any case, i.e. whether they be viewed as duties incumbent on the âsrama or as auxiliary ....

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35. Knowledge Not To Be Overpowered

Texts such as 'By works of sacred duty he drives away evil' declare that sacrifices and similar works have the effect of knowledge ....

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36. Also In The Case Of Those Outside, As This Is Seen

It has been declared that the members of the four âsramas have a claim to the knowledge of Brahman ....

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37. Smriti Also States This

Smriti also declares that men not belonging to an âsrama grow in knowledge through prayer and the like.

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38. And There Is The Promotion Of Knowledge Through Special Acts Of Duty

The above conclusion is founded not only on Reasoning and Smriti; but Scripture even directly states that knowledge ....

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39. But Better Than That Is The Other Also On Account Of An Inferential Mark

Better than to be outside the âsramas is the condition of standing within an âsrama.

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40. But Of Him Who Has Become That There Is No Becoming Not That...

The doubt here arises whether those also who have fallen from the state of life of a Naishthika, Vaikhânasa or Pârivrâgaka are ....

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41. Nor The Expiatory Performance...

Those expiatory performances which are described in the chapter treating of qualification (Pû. Mî. Sû. VI) are not possible ....

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42. A Minor One, Thus Some; And Hence They Hold The Existence Of Expiation, As In The Case Of Eating

Some teachers are of opinion that even on the part of Naishthikas and the rest the lapse from chastity constitutes only a minor offence which can be ....

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43. But In Either Case Such Men Stand Outside...

Whether the point under discussion constitutes a minor or a major offence, in any case those who have lapsed stand outside ....

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44. By The Lord (Of The Sacrifice), Since Scripture ....

A doubt arises whether the meditations on such constituent elements of the sacrifice as the Udgîtha, and so on ....

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45. They Are The Priest's Work...

The teacher Audulomi is of opinion that the meditation on the Udgîtha and the like is the work of the priest ....

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46. There Is Injunction Of Other Auxiliary Means...

'Therefore let a Brâhmana after he has done with learning wish to stand by a childlike state; and after having done with the childlike ....

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47. But On Account Of The Existence Of Knowledge In All, There Is Winding Up With The Householder

As knowledge belongs to the members of all âsramas it belongs to the householder also, and for this reason the Upanishad ....

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48. On Account Of The Others Also Being Taught...

The injunction, on him who has passed beyond all desire, of mauna preceded by pârivrâgya (wandering about as a mendicant) ....

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49. Not Manifesting Itself; On Account Of The Connexion

In the text discussed above we meet with the word 'bâlya,' which may mean either 'being a child' or 'being and doing like a child.'

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50. What Belongs To This World, There Being No Obstruction At Hand; As This Is Seen

Knowledge, as enjoined by Scripture, is twofold, having for its fruit either exaltation within the sphere of the Samsâra, or final Release.

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51. In The Same Way There Is Non-Determination...

So likewise in the case of the origination, through works of very great merit, of such knowledge as has for its result final Release ....

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1696 reads)

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