Return of the Converts

For long the Hindus had' developed a suicidal habit of declaring these converts, as Outcastes and the Hindu house had only exits and no entrance. They did not take back converts willing to return to the ancestral faith. But of late, Hindus have become alive to the dangers inherent in this one-way traffic and decided to throw open the gates of Hinduism to the lost tribes. If Christianity claims conversion as its basic right, it must give the same right to the Hindus so that they could claim their lost brethren back. As Dr. Rajendra Prasad wrote in his India Divided "If the Hindus, on their side also start converting non Hindus to their faith, it is no business of the non-Hindus, specially if they are themselves engaged in the work of conversion, to object. The Hindus must have the same right of propagating their faith as others have. But men are not always guided by logic or by a sense of justice and fairness". To a Hindu moreover it is not conversion but a recall or return to Home.

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