People expressing doubt about the continued survival or growth of an idea like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh were aplenty in the Twenties and later. However, such doubts have, after seven decades, given place to amazement. Such has been the phenomenal growth of the Sangh. Today, there is not a single major field of life which has remained beyond the purview of thc Sangh swayamsevaks.

This does not imply that it has always been smooth-sailing for thc Sangh. It has had to pass through many adversities. It was twice banned officially by the government - once in 1948 and again in 1975; and each time Sangh came out of the ordeal with redoubled splendour.

The steady growth of the Sangh is in remarkable contrast with many a national or international movement or 'ism' which, after an initial flurry, slowly died a natural death or degenerated and changed form beyond recognition.

But, to say that the Sangh has survived and grown info huge dimensions (true as this is) does not fully convey thc dynamism and vibrancy of the Sangh as the biggest and most widespread movement of this kind perhaps in the entire world. A far truer index of the success of the Sangh is the greatly enhanced self-confidence now visible in the Hindu society. This is clearly evidenced by the warm public response which has greeted not only thc hundreds of service projects inspired by the Sangh, but also the campaigns and movements undertaken from time to time, such as those for removal of untouchability, re-invoking the Swadeshi spirit (Swadeshi Jagaran Abhiyan), etc. The support that Sangh-inspired causes like 'Save Kashmir' and restoration of Ramajanmabhoomi have been attracting from laymen and intelligentsia alike is a further vindication of the soundness of the Sangh's approach to issues of national concern.

Gone are the days when Hindu society could be denigrated by all and sundry; gone too are the days when heaping contempt on Hindu society by one ruse or another was equated with intellectual superiority. It is these latter types of pseudo-intellectuals who are now running for shelter. And the more pragmatic among them have now coolly adopted the vocabulary of Hinduism.

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