Vaisampayana said :
Then the talented king, Dhritarashtra, bowed 1 to those words uttered by Vidura, and, in a secluded place 2, interrogated Sanatsugata regarding the highest knowledge 3, wishing to become (a) high-souled (man) 4.
Dhritarashtra said :
O Sanatsugata! which of the two is correct, your teaching 5, about which I have heard, that death exists not, or that 6 the gods and demons practised the life of Brahmakarins 7, for freedom from death?
Sanatsugata said :
Some (say), that freedom from death (results) from action 8; and others that death exists not. Hear me explain (this), O king! have no misgiving about it 9. Both truths, O Kshatriya! have been current from the beginning 10.
Footnotes :
1. Literally 'respected.' Nilakantha says it means rejoiced over, for Dhritarashtra thought, that, in spite of his treachery he was safe, as death was taught by Sanatsugata to have no existence.
2. I. e. free from the presence of ignorant and vulgar people. Cf. Gita, supra.
3. I. e. knowledge concerning the supreme Self.
4. Sankara's construction seems different, but is not quite clear. He says, 'wishing to become--Brahman--the meaning is wishing to acquire the self lost through ignorance.'
5. I. e. imparted to your pupils, Sankara adds; 'heard,' scil. from Vidura.
6. The construction is imperfect, but the sense is clear: is your view correct, or the view involved in the practice of gods and demons?
7. See Gita, supra; Kathopanishad; Prasna. As to the gods being afraid of death, see Khandogya; and Nrisimha Tapini; and as to gods and demons practising the life of Brahmakarins, see Khandogya; and cf. Brihadaranyaka.
8. I. e. action prescribed in the Vedas.
9. I. e. as to how I shall be able to reconcile the seeming contradiction between the 'two truths.'
10. I. e. of creation.