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3.1 Truly, when one does not know oneself, one takes pleasure in the objects of mistaken perception, just as greed arises for the mistaken silver in one who does not know mother of pearl for what it is.
3.2 All this wells up like waves in the sea. Recognising, I am That, why run around like someone in need?
3.3 After hearing of oneself as pure consciousness and the supremely beautiful, is one to go on lusting after sordid sexual objects?
3.4 When the sage has realized that he himself is in all beings, and all beings are in him, it is astonishing that the sense of individuality should be able to continue.
3.5 It is astonishing that a man who has reached the supreme non-dual state and is intent on the benefits of liberation should still be subject to lust and held back by sexual activity.