This is a collection of words either Sanskrit or Marathi that occur frequently in the text of the book and come either from the legendary literature or the ritualistic vocabulary used in connection with the several temples and deities described in the text. First is given the spelling of the word as used in the text, then its pronunciation is indicated by diacritical marks (in brackets) and lastly follows the meaning.
Abhang (Abhanga). . A devotional song.
Abhishek (abhiseka). . A constant drizzle of water from a pot hanging over an image, especially a Shiva ling.
Abhishek-patra (Abhiseka-patra)..A pot with a minute perforation at the bottom from which drops of water constantly fall on the image.
Adi (Adi). . The beginning.
Akhada (Akhada). . Normally the word means a ring meant for wresting bouts, but as far as it means a monastery.
Author - Madhukar Shripad Mate