Hindu Dharma
Introduction |
Even though Swami Vivekănanda introduced and popularized the Hindu system of belief and philosophy in the North American Continent in 1893, the movement of Hindu Temples began and has gathered momentum only in the last quarter of this century.
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Chapter 1 - What Is Hindu Dharma ? |
Hindu Dharma, popularly called Hinduism, is the religion of over a billion Hindus, who mostly live in India, but have large populations in many other countries. Hindu Dharma is also known as Vaidika Dharma, meaning "religion of the Vedas," the ancient Hindu scriptures.
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Chapter 3 - Why Hindus Worship Deities |
Just as a single force in space can be mathematically conceived as having various spatial components, the Supreme Being or God, the personal form of the Ultimate Reality, is conceived by Hindus as having various aspects.
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Chapter 4 - Hindu Scriptures-An Overview |
Hindu religious literature, the most ancient writings in the world, is of two types: primary scriptures (Sruti) and secondary scriptures (Smriti). The Sruti scriptures are of divine origin, whose truths were directly revealed to ancient rishis (sages) in their deep meditations.
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Chapter 5 - Principal Hindu Doctrines |
Although there are numerous doctrines in Hindu scriptures, the major doctrines of the Hindu religious tradition can be represented by the letters of the words Hindu Dharma as explained follows.
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Chapter 6 - Law Of Karma |
The word karma literally means 'deed or action,' but implies the entire cycle of cause and its effects. According to the Law of Karma, every human action-in thought, word, or deed-inevitably leads to results, good or bad, depending upon the moral quality of the action.
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Chapter 7 - Popular Systems Of Hindu Religious Thought |
Hindu religious thought embodies a great variety of ideas, principles and practices, giving rise to various religious schools (sampradăyas). Each school venerates the Supreme Deity, which represents a particular aspect of the Ultimate Reality (Brahman).
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Chapter 8 - Moral And Ethical Ideals Of Hindus |
Ethics can be described as the science of morality, and morality as the living of a virtuous life. Hindus place greater emphasis on the attitude of the mind rather than on postulation of the elaborate theories of what is right and what is wrong.
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Chapter 9 - Hindu View Of A Harmonious Family |
Every human being is potentially divine and the goal of life is to express this divinity by performing useful work. A harmonious family is an institution which provides the energy and inspiration to bring forth one's divinity.
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Chapter 10 - Hindu Reverence For Elders |
A unique and magnificent feature of Hindu religious thought is that salvation is the birth right of each and every human being, and is attainable in due course of time (i.e. either in this life or in some future life) through spiritual practice and training.
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Chapter 11 - Daily Routine Of A Devout Hindu |
In addition to the normal activities associated with one's profession (varna dharma) and stage in life (ăshrama dharma), the daily routine of a devout Hindu is to perform pańcha mahă yagńas (five daily duties) and pańcha nitya karmas (five constant duties).
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Chapter 13 - Hindu View Of Ecology |
Hindu religion's reverence for the sea, soil, forests, rivers, moun-tains, plants, birds, and animals stems from its broader view of divinity. Unlike many other religions, Hindus believe that all things and beings in the world are various manifestations of the Ultimate Reality (Brahman), and nothing exists apart from It.
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Chapter 14 - Some Philosophical Aspects Of Hindu Political, Legal And Economic Thought |
The Hindu political, legal and economic thought is included in the Mahăbhărata, Dharma-Shăstras (of which Manu-Smriti, hereafter Manu, is the most important), Nîti-shăstras or the science of state-craft (of which the Shukra-nîti-săra, hereafter Shukra, is the most elaborate), and Artha-shăstras (of which Kautilya's Artha-shăstra is the most popularly available today).
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Chapter 18 - Timeless Wisdom For Today's Youth |
As a youth, you are the architect of your own destiny. What you are today is in part the result of what you have been thinking and doing in the past. What you think and do today will determine your tomorrow.
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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved. Published on: 2003-02-28 (9445 reads) [ Go Back ] |