Hindu History - A Search for Our Present in History
Introduction |
Nataraj - The Dancing Shiva is the Hindu God of Dance. Nataraj symbolizes not merely the rhythm of physical force but the cosmic process of creation and renewal of life. Shiva as Nataraj also symbolizes spiritual virility in the Yogi (ascetic). In metaphysics, he symbolizes the unity of the spirit of Purusha (essence) with Prakriti (substance).
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Chapter One : INDIA through the Ages |
Time and again we have been told in our text books at schools and colleges, and through speeches by our politicians, economists, etc., that "India is essentially Rural India and Rural India is virtually the Cultivator".
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Chapter Two : Hindu Influences on Different Communities |
India is the birthplace of many religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainismand Sikhismare all progeny of this part of our globe. But they are not the only religions that exist here. Adherents of Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrainismand Judaismalso to be found in India.
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Chapter Four : The Hindu Caste System |
Caste is an institution which is truely Hindu (Indian) in character. So much so that even the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines it as, Hindu hereditary class, with members socially equal, united in religion, and usually following same trades, having no social intercourse with persons of other castes.
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Chapter Six : Ahimsa - Non-Violence |
Gautama Buddha propounded the philosophy of non-violence, universal love and peace 2,500 years ago. Emperor Ashoka Maurya from India gave this pacifist philosophy official recognition in the 3rd century B.C.E...
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Hindu Customs in Buddhism, Jainism And Sikhism |
India is the birthplace of many religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are all progeny of this part of our globe. But they are not the only religions that exist here. Adherents of Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism and Judaism also to be found in India.
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Free Graphics Pages On India And Hinduism |
I welcome you to this non-profit free-graphics page. The list of links below will take you to the graphical pages on Hindu History on which the graphics given at the bottom of this page appear. The information on these pages would give you the context and relevant information about these images.
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Copyright © by Hindu Books Universe All Right Reserved. Published on: 2003-03-11 (16541 reads) [ Go Back ] |