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Pada III

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya IV > Pada III

Third Pada : 1. On The Path Beginning With Light...

The Sûtras now go on to determine the road which the soul of the wise man follows, after having--assisted by the Person ....

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2. From The Year To Vayu...

In their description of the path beginning with light the Khandogas mention the year between the months and the sun ....

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3. Beyond Lightning There Is Varuna

According to the text of the Kaushîtakins the soul goes on to the world of Vâyu, to the world of Varuna, to the world of Indra ....

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4. Conductors, This Being Indicated

The decision here is that light, Vâyu, and the rest mentioned in the texts as connected with the soul's progress on the path of the Gods ....

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5. From Thence By Him Only Who Belongs To Lightning

The only leader from lightning up to Brahman is the not-human person connected with lightning; for the text states this directly.

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6. Him Who Meditates On The Effected Brahman...

The following question now presents itself for consideration. Does the troop of conducting divinities, Agni and the rest, lead ....

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7. And On Account Of Brahman Being Specified

The text 'a person not human leads them to the worlds of Brahman' (Bri. Up. VI. 2, 15) by using the word 'world,' and moreover ....

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8. But On Account Of Nearness There Is That Designation

Hiranyagarbha is the first created being (as declared by the text 'he who creates Brahma'); he thus stands near to Brahman ....

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9. On The Passing Away Of The Effected World Of Brahma, Together With Its Ruler ....

On the passing away of the effected world of Brahma, together with its ruler Hiranyagarbha, who then recognises his ....

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10. And On Account Of Smriti

This follows from Smriti also, which declares 'when the pralaya has come and the end of the Highest ....

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11. The Highest ... On Account Of Primariness Of Meaning

The teacher Gaimini is of opinion that those deities lead on the souls of those only who meditate on the highest Brahman.

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12. And Because Scripture Declares It

And Scripture moreover directly declares that the soul which has departed by way of the artery in the upper part of the head and ....

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13. And There Is No Aiming At The Effected Brahman

The aim of the soul is not at Hiranyagarbha, but at the highest Brahman itself. For the complementary sentence 'I am the glorious among Brâhmanas' ....

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14. Those Not Depending On Symbols...

Bâdarâyana is of opinion that the deities lead those not depending on symbols, i.e. all meditating devotees other than those depending on symbols.

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15. And Scripture Declares The Difference

The text, 'He who meditates on name as Brahman, for him there is movement as he wishes as far as name extends,' &c.

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1630 reads)

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