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Pada IV

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya IV > Pada IV

Fourth Pada : 1. On The Soul's Having Approached The Highest Light There Is Manifestation

The Suras now proceed to consider the kind of superior existence (aisvarya) which the released souls enjoy.

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2. The Released One; On Account Of The Promise

What the text says about the soul accomplishing itself in its own form refers to the released soul which, freed from its connexion ....

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3. The Self, On Account Of Subject-Matter

The subject-matter of the whole section shows that by the Self manifesting itself in its own form there is meant the Self as ....

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4. In Non-Division; Because That Is Seen

Is the soul, when it has reached the highest light and freed itself from all bondage, conscious of itself as separate from the highest ....

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5. In A Nature Like That Of Brahman

Owing to the fact that different texts give different accounts, the question now arises of what character that essential nature of the ....

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6. In The Sole Nature Of Intelligence; As That Is Its Self...

Intelligence (consciousness; kaitanya) alone is the true nature of the soul, and hence it is in that character only that the released soul ....

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7. Thus Also, On Account Of Existence Of The Former Qualities As Proved By Suggestion ....

The teacher Bâdarâyana is of opinion that even thus, i.e. although the text declares the soul to have mere intelligence for its essential nature ....

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8. By The Mere Will...

Concerning the released soul Scripture states, 'He moves about there, laughing, playing, rejoicing, be it with women, or chariots, or relatives' ....

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9. And For This Very Reason Without Another Ruler

Since the released soul realises all its wishes, it does not stand under another ruler.

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10. The Absence...

A doubt arises whether the Released has a body and sense-organs, or not; or whether he has them or not just as he pleases.

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11. The Presence...

The teacher Gaimini holds that the Released one has a body and senses; because the text declares manifoldness ....

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12. For This Reason Badarayana Holds Him To Be Of Both Kinds; As In The Case Of The Twelve Days' Sacrifice

'For this reason,' i.e. for the reason that the text refers to the wish of the Released, the Reverend Bâdarâyana is of opinion that the Released may ....

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13. In The Absence Of A Body, As In The State Of Dream; That Being Possible

As in the absence of a body and other instruments of enjoyment created by himself, the Released may undergo experiences ....

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14. When There Is A Body, As In The Waking State

When, on the other hand,the released soul possesses a body created by its own will, then it enjoys its various delights in ....

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15. The Entering Is As In The Case Of A Lamp

Just as a lamp, although abiding in one place only, enters through the light proceeding from it into connexion with many places; so the soul also ....

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16. It Refers Either To Dreamless Sleep Or To Union...

Texts as the one last quoted do not refer to the released soul, but either to deep sleep or to 'union' (sampatti), i.e. the time of dying ....

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17. With The Exception Of World-Energy...

The doubt here presents itself whether the power of the released soul is a universal power such as belongs to the Supreme Person ....

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18. That Which Abides Within The Spheres Of Those Entrusted With Special Functions

But, an objection is raised, certain texts directly declare that the released soul also possesses 'world-energy.' Compare 'He becomes a self-ruler ....

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19. That Which Is Not Within Change; For Thus Scripture Declares The Abiding Of The Soul

That which is not within change, i.e. the highest Brahman which is free from all change and of an absolutely perfect and blessed nature ....

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20. And Thus Perception And Inference Show

That the energies connected with the rule of the entire world are exclusive attributes of the highest Person, Scripture and Smriti ....

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21. And On Account Of The Indication Of The Equality Of Enjoyment Only

The previous conclusion is confirmed by the further fact that the text directly teaches the released soul to be equal to Brahman ....

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22. Non-Return, According To Scripture...

We know from Scripture that there is a Supreme Person whose nature is absolute bliss and goodness; who is fundamentally antagonistic ....

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Published on: 2003-07-05 (1561 reads)

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