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26. If It Be Objected That Brahman Is Not Denoted ....

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedanta - Sutras > Adhyaya I > Pada I > 26. If It Be Objected That Brahman Is Not Denoted ....


26. If it be objected that (Brahman is) not (denoted) on account of the metre being denoted; (we reply) not so, because thus the direction of the mind (on Brahman) is declared; for thus it is seen.

The previous section at first refers to the metre called Gâyatrî, 'The Gâyatrî indeed is everything' (III, 12, 1), and then introduces--with the words 'this is also declared by a Rik verse'--the verse, 'Such is the greatness of it (viz. the Gâyatrî),' &c. Now, as this verse also refers to the metre, there is not any reference to the highest Person.--To this objection the second part of the Sûtra replies. The word 'Gâyatrî' does not here denote the metre only, since this cannot possibly be the Self of all; but the text declares the application of the idea of Gâyatrî to Brahman, i.e. teaches, to the end of a certain result being obtained, meditation on Brahman in so far as similar to Gâyatrî. For Brahman having four feet, in the sense indicated by the rik, may be compared to the Gâyatrî with its four (metrical) feet. The Gâyatrî (indeed has as a rule three feet, but) occasionally a Gâyatrî with four feet is met with; so, e.g., 'Indras sakîpatih | valena pîditah | duskyavano vrishâ | samitsu sâsahih.' We see that in other passages also words primarily denoting metres are employed in other senses; thus, e.g., in the samvargavidyâ (Kh. Up. IV, 3, 8), where Virâg (the name of a metre of ten syllables) denotes a group of ten divine beings.

For this conclusion the next Sûtra supplies a further argument.

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Published on: 2003-07-07 (1496 reads)

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26. If It Be Objected That Brahman Is Not Denoted ....

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