Culture Course Volume - VI
Prayer |
Some important prayers regarding Lord Sri Krishna and other.
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Sugriva |
Vali and Sugriva were two valiant monkey princes. They were brothers. On the death of their father Vali became king and Sugriva, Crown Prince.
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Bhima and Hanuman |
The Pandavas lived in the kamyaka forest. One day theyr were passing through the Himalayan jungles. On the way they came to a place called Narayanshrama.
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Amrita Manthan |
The word 'Amrit' means nectar, and 'manthan' means churning: By drinking nectar one becomes immortal. so say the puranas. Here is the story Amrita Manthan.
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Bhishma |
King Santanu ruled over hastinapura. He had a son named Devavraa. he was also called Gangeya, because ganga was his mother.
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Nammalvar |
Alvar is Tamil word. It means one who loves God. There were twelve great Alvars. They were devotees of God vishnu.
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Kabir |
Long ago there lived a weaver in Varansi. He was very poor. His name was Nura and his wife was Nima. They were Muslims.
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Goraknath |
A Siddha is person who can control the forces of nature. He can work miracles. For instance, he can fly in the air, walk onwater, make gold out of mud, and such other things.
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Raka |
Pandharpur is holy town in Maharashtra. The river Bhima flows by its side. There is temple dedicated to God Vithal in that town.
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Ramdas |
Gopanna was born in an Andhra village. He was a great devotee of God Rama. He beame the Tehsidar of Bhadrachalam in what was formerly the Nizam's State.
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Ramanujacharya |
Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva are the three chief Acharyas or religious teachers of India. Ramanuja taught us that God Vishnu is Supreme and we are all his devotees.
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Madhvacharya |
Madhvacharya lived about seven hundred year ago. He came afte Ramanujacharya. Madhvacharys was born in a village near Udipi in Karnataka. His father was Madhya Geha Bhatta and his mother, Vedavati.
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Vallabhacharya |
Vallabhacharya livedabout four hundred years ago. His parents had their home at a place called Champanya. His father was Lakshmana Bhatta and his mother Ilamma.
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Nimbarka |
About eight hundred years ago there lived in the village of Nimba in Belllary district of Karnataka, a devout Telugu Brahmin named Jagannatha.
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Ramlila |
One of the most popular festivals of North India is Ramalila. It is celebrated during Dussera. It is celebrated during Dussera.
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Indus Valley Civilisation |
Harappa is the name of the iste that lies between Lahore and Multan. Mohenjo-daro is another site lying in the Larkhana district of Sind.
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Chidambaram |
Chidambaram is one of the ancient towns of the Tamil - nadu. Tillai is another name for the town.
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Srirangam |
Srirangam is a holy town near Trichinopaoly. The town lies between two arms of the river kaveri. In that town stands the temple of God Ranganatha.
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Konark |
The Sun-God has been worshipped in Inda from very ancient times. The veda say that the worship of the Sun cures many diseases.
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