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The Kashmir Story

Hindu Books > Social And Contemporary Issues > The Kashmir Stroy


Many books have been written on Kashmir, about its people, the so-called rights and wrongs. Lately Pakistan has mounted a vigorous propaganda campaign, more virulent than its past efforts, to win support for its nefarious designs on the State.

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Jammu And Kashmir - The Background

Jammu and Kashmir has three distinct components - Hindu majority Jammu, Buddhist dominated Ladakh in the North and predominantly Muslim populated Valley, besides what is under Pakistan occupation. Pakistan's eyes are set on Kashmir on the pernicious two-nation theory.

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The Accession

When the Maharaja of Kashmir executed the Instrument of Accession to India and Lord Mountbatten, the then Governor General of India, accepted the Instrument, the whole of Jammu and Kashmir became an integral part of India, legally and constitutionally.

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Obsolete Resolutions

The UN Commission resolutions have become obsolete. This view was expressed by the UN Commission itself as far back as 1949, and has been reiterated by Dr. Jarring and Dr. Graham, both UN representatives.

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Pakistan-Occupied-Kashmir, Tashkent And the Shimla Agreement

Pakistan's espousal of the right to self-determination has been conditional and circumscribed. It is demanded of the part of Kashmir which escaped its occupation but not its depredations The right of self- determination is not recognized for Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK).

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Pakistan's Support To Terrorism

For the last about five years Pakistan has been waging a low intensity proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir. Backed by official support from Pakistan there has been a well-organized and consistent Pakistani plan to subvert the authority of the Jammu and Kashmir Government ....

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The Irrelevance Of The Two-Nation Theory

The genesis of Pakistan's interference in Jammu and Kashmir lies in its claims that India was partitioned on the basis of religion and therefore the Muslim majority state of Jammu and Kashmir should be part of Pakistan.

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Human Rights In Jammu And Kashmir

Pakistan's unrelenting offensive against India has been conducted on two fronts ... sponsoring terrorism in India and conducting a worldwide propaganda campaign. In the context of Jammu and Kashmir, the propaganda disseminated by Pakistan has ....

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Media In The Kashmir

The Press in the valley is at the mercy of the militants. Correspondents of national dailies who tried to be objective have been beaten up and driven out of Kashmir. Any journalist who does not faithfully report the utterances of the leaders of the various militant outfits, almost all of it propaganda, has to face their wrath.

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Published on: 2003-02-07 (5341 reads)

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