Book V
Chapter I
Decade I Indra Adityas
1. Indra, this might of thine I praise most highly for the sacrifice.
That thou, O Lord of Power, dost slay Vritra with might.
2. For thee this Soma hath been pressed, in whose wild joy thou madest once.
Sambara Divodasa's prey: O Indra, drink!
3. Come unto us, O Indra, dear, still conquering, unconcealable!
Wide as a mountain spread on all sides, Lord of heaven!
4. Joy, mightiest Indra, that perceives, sprung from deep Soma draughts, whereby.
Thou smitest down the greedy fiend,-that joy we crave!
5. Adityas, very mighty ones, grant to our children and our seed.
This lengthened term of life that they may live long days!
6. Though knowest, Indra, Thunder-armed! how to avoid destructive powers,
As one secure from pitfalls each returning day.
7. Drive ye disease and strife away, drive ye away malignity:
Adityas, keep us far removed from sore distress!
8. Drive Soma, Indra, Lord of bays! and let it cheer thee: the stone, like a well-guided courser,