Author, journalist and scholar, Shri Ayer is given to by aptitude and training, a wide rage of studies extending from astrology to Vedic researches.� Starting life as the Editor of a Music journal in the early thirties, he was a school teacher for two years.� The lure of the pen drew him again to the editorial department of daily newspapers of Ceylon, Madras and Bombay successively.� Changing the area of his activities in the forties, he joined the staff of leading booksellers and publishers where for over a decade he had ample opportunities of slaking his literary thirst over a wide field and learning the abracadabra of the publishing world.� He served simultaneouslyas the literary editor of tow popular journals.
He joined the bhavan in 1952 and served as Associate Editor of the Bhavan's Journal since its inception for 15 years till 1968, when he went over to Bangalore as the Director of Bhavan'sBangalore Kendra.�He was later engaged in producing Culture Course Reader and other literature for children at the Bhavan.
His published works include a book on astrology and a couple of books on palmistry, besides Stories of Vikramaditya (Simhasana Dwatrimsika), Stories of King Madana Kamaand Untold Stories of King Bhoja,published by the Bhavan.
Shri Ayer passed away in 1991 at the age of 80.