Religion is the
highest need of human nature. Just as our bodies require food for their sustenance and our
minds require knowledge for their expansion, so do our souls require religious experience
for their perfection. It is the spiritual hunger of men that has driven them in every age
and country to seek for God and sometimes find Him. God is our eternal quest. And it is
God Him self that prompts the quest. For, without His creative activity in our hearts, we
should never think of seeking Him.
Religion is,
therefore, essentially super- natural. It comes from above, and not from below. No
purely human effort can ever establish a religion. At the same time the trappings of
every religion are human. The revelation of God comes through human channels. God, no
doubt, remains the same forever. There can never be any change in His eternal Being. But
our ideas of Him may change from age to age.
As mankind grows in knowledge and experience, its conception of
God becomes nobler and purer. A civilized man has certainly a more exalter conception of
God than a savage does .
Author : S.D.Sarma