Arjuna said : Those ever-steadfast devotees (or
Bhaktas) who thus worship You (as the manifest or personal God), and those who
worship the eternal unmanifest (the formless or impersonal) Brahman (by developing
Jnana), which of these has the best knowledge of yoga? (12.01)
The Supreme Lord said : Those ever steadfast devotees
who worship with supreme faith by fixing their mind on Me as personal
God, I consider them to be the best yogis. (See also 6.47) (12.02)
But those who worship the imperishable, the
undefinable, the unmanifest, the omnipresent, the unthinkable, the unchanging, the
immovable, and the eternal Brahman; (12.03)
Author : Dr. Ramanand Prasad