Vemulavada is in Karimnagar District of Andhra Pradesh and is situated about
20 miles from Karimnagar oil the road from Karimnagar to Kamareddy. The Village is
an ancient one and has been in existence from the time of the Western Chalukyas, as is
evident from the inscriptions that are now available at this place. Vemulavada is famous
as the seat of a Western Chalukya temple known as the Rajeswaraswami temple. There is also
another temple called the Waddegeswaraswami temple, which is also in a good state of
preservation. The Rajeswara temple is obviously so named, either because it was built by
Rajaditya which was the Biruda of Narasimha I, of the Chalukyas of Vemulavada, who was the
grandson of Vinayaditya Yuddhamalla I, or is named after him. There is a big tank which is
on the northern side of the Rajeswara temple.. Called Dharmagundam. A big stream flowing
by the side of the village feeds this.
Author : Shri N. Ramesan