Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part One : The Mission
V. Call Of Our National Soul
Revival, not reaction- Culture, indefinable yet all-absorbing- Nation as God- True spirit of service- Not rights but duty- Unity in diversity- To raise the average- Present perversions- Watering roots of immortality.
Our concept of Hindu Nation is not a mere bundle of political and economic rights. It is essentially cultural. Our ancient and sublime cultural values of life form its life-breath. And it is only an intense rejuvenation of the spirit of our culture that can give us the true vision of our national life, and a fruitful direction to all our efforts in solving the innumerable problems confronting our nation today.
But these days, rejuvenation of culture is often dubbed as ‘revivalism’ and ‘reactionary’. Revival of old prejudices, superstitions or anti-social customs may be called reactionary, as that would result in fossilisation of society. But rejuvenation of eternal and ennobling values of life can never be reactionary. To dub it as reactionary merely because it is old only betrays intellectual bankruptcy and nothing else. By the term "rejuvenation of our culture" we mean the reanimating in our lives of those eternal life-ideals that have nourished and immortalised our national life all these millennia.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar