1. World Of Reality
Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Three - The Path To Glory
(A) Rousing National Consciousness
XXII. The Elixir Of National Life
Strong devours weak - Great fact of world history - The present world picture - Slogans change, fact remains - Mirage of mutual friendship - Friendship of strong and weak - Strength for peace and freedom.
We, the children of this great and ancient nation, naturally desire that our nation should scale ever new heights of prosperity, glory and honour in this world. This is a very legitimate desire, no one can deny it. However, life is not all smooth-sailing in this world of hard reality. Even in the fulfilment of just and legitimate desire one is confronted with impediments and challenges from outside forces. If we have to bring to life the dream of our national glory, we have to assess and analyse the nature of this challenge and prepare ourselves to meet it effectively.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar