1. Call Of A New Era
Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Three - The Path To Glory
(A) Rousing National Consciousness
XXV. Nation At War
(*) In the wake of Pakistani aggression in August 1965.
Self-respect, nation's life-breath - Superiority of 'man' over 'machine' - Myth exploded - Nation's heroic mettle - Guideline for national policies-Destroying the real war potential - Akhand Bharat, only solution - UNO in true colours - Rule of international friendship - Kashmir, a closed chapter - Welcome bigger war.
The recent war with Pakistan has as if electrified the entire length and breadth of our land and inspired the hearts and minds of millions of our countrymen with a new purpose and a new confidence as nothing else had done during the last eighteen years after the quitting of the British.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar