Next come the Upa-Vedas. They are four in number viz., Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharva Veda and Arthasastra. Each of them forms an appendage to one each of the four Vedas in the respective order.
Ayurveda, as the name suggests, is the science of extending life, or in other words, of medicine. Although the Vedas as such have little to do with medicine, the science finds a place in the community of the Vedas for the reason that a healthy body is necessary for functioning in a healthy society.
Treatises on the above subject have been composed by Brahma, the Ashvini Devatas, Dhanvantari, Indra, Rishis Bharadwaja, Atri, Agnivesha and others.
Subsequently Charaka collected this know ledge in a book of his, known as Samhita. Later, Susruta followed him. Still later Vagbhata composed a work on the subject. Besides medicine, surgery and even injections appear to have been known to them.
Ayurveda treats the whole man under eight principal heads of treatment. Pharwacology too is included in this category . Kamasastra also belongs to this category. Susruta has written a work on rejuvenation. Vatsyayana has written the Kamasastra. The object of writing this sastra appears to be not encouragement of indulgence but regulation of sex-life.
Author - V.A.K.Ayer