The Special Sacrifices
1. Offerings For Those Desiring Children, &C.
ii. 2. 1.
Prajapati created offspring. On their creation Indra and Agni hid them away. Prajapati reflected, 'Indra and Agni have hidden away from me offspring.' He then perceived this offering to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds, and offered it, and the two (gods) restored offspring to him. Indra and Agni indeed conceal his offspring, who being fit for offspring, yet obtains not offspring; so let a man who desires offspring offer a sacrifice to Indra, and Agni on eleven potsherds. Verily Indra and Agni [1] he has recourse to with their own share; verily they make manifest offspring to him, he obtains offspring.
He should make an offering to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds who has a dispute about a field or with his neighbours. Verily Indra and Agni he has recourse to with their own share, by means of them he over powers the power and strength of his rival, he overcomes the evil foe. Now power and strength depart from him who advances to battle; let him who is about to advance to battle offer to Indra and Agni an offering on eleven potsherds [2]. Verily Indra and Agni he has recourse to with their own share; verily they two place power and strength in him; with power and strength he approaches the battle and conquers in it.
Now power and strength is he bereft of who wins a battle; let him who has won a battle make an offering to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds. Verily Indra and Agni he has recourse to with their own share; verily they two place power and strength in him [3], he is not bereft of power and strength. Now power and strength depart from him who goes to the assembly; let him who is about to go to the assembly make an offering to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds. Verily Indra and Agni he has recourse to with their own share; verily they two place power and strength in him, with power and strength he goes to the assembly. Let him next offer an oblation to Pusan. Pusan is the giver of power and strength, verily Pusan [4] he has recourse to with his own share; verily he gives to him power and strength. When he has gone to the assembly he should offer an oblation to Ksetrapati; Ksetrapati is this (earth); verily on this earth he takes firm root. Thereafter let him make the offering to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds; verily taking stand on this earth he next places power and strength in his body.