Miscellaneous Supplements
1. The Introductory Rite Of The New And Full Moon Sacrifices
iii. 5. 1.
Full behind, and full in front,
In the middle hath she of the full moon been victorious;
In her let the gods dwelling together
Rejoice here in the highest firmament.
The share that the gods dwelling together
In greatness bestowed on thee, O new moon,
(Therewith) do thou fill our sacrifice, O thou of every boon
Grant us wealth of good heroes, O fortunate one.
Holder and gatherer of riches,
Clad in all rich forms,
Granting a thousandfold prosperity,
The fortunate one hath come to us with radiance accordant [1].
O Agni and Soma, the first in strength,
Do ye quicken the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas here;
Rejoice in him of the full moon in the midst,
Ye that are made to grow by holy power, won by good deeds,
And allot to us wealth with heroes.
The Adityas and the Angirases piled up the fires, they desired to obtain the new and the full moon (offerings); the Angirases offered the oblation, then the Adityas saw these two offerings, and offered them; then they first grasped the new and full moon (offerings) [2]. He who is commencing the new and full moon (sacrifices) should first offer these two (offerings); verily straightway he commences the new and full moon (sacrifices). The theologians say, 'He indeed would begin the new and full moon (sacrifices) who should know the normal and reversed order'. What follows on the new moon is the normal, what is after the full moon is the reversed order; if he were to begin the full moon (offering) first, he would offer these two (libations) in reverse order; he would waste away as the moon waned [3]; he should offer these libations to Sarasvant and Sarasvati in front; Sarasvati is the new moon; verily he commences them in normal order; he waxes as the moon waxes.
He should offer first on eleven potsherds to Agni and Visnu, to Sarasvati an oblation, to Sarasvant on twelve potsherds. In that it is (offered) to Agni, and the mouth of the sacrifice is Agni, verily he places in front prosperity and the mouth of the sacrifice; in that it is (offered) to Visnu, and Visnu is the sacrifice, verily commencing the sacrifice he continues it. There is an oblation for Sarasvati, and (an offering) on twelve potsherds for Sarasvant; Sarasvati is the new moon, Sarasvant is the full moon; verily straightway he commences these (offerings), he prospers by them. That to Sarasvant is on twelve potsherds, for pairing, for generation. The sacrificial fee is a pair of kine, for prosperity.