The Exposition Of The Soma Sacrifice (Continued)
1. The Guest Offering To The Soma
vi. 2. 1.
If he should offer hospitality after unyoking both (the oxen), he would break up the sacrifice. If (he should offer) before he has unyoked both, it would be as when hospitality is offered to one who has not yet arrived. One ox is unyoked, one ox is not unyoked; then he offers hospitality, for the continuance of the sacrifice. The wife (of the sacrificer) holds on (to the cart); for the wife is mistress of the household gear; verily he offers what is approved by the wife. The share of the wife in the sacrifice makes a pair; so the wife also [1] grasps the sacrifice that it may not be interrupted. With whatever retinue the king comes, to all of them hospitality is offered; the metres are the retinue of King Soma.
'Thou art the hospitality of Agni. For Visnu thee!' he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Gayatri. 'Thou art the hospitality of Soma. 'For Visnu thee!' he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Tristubh. 'Thou art the hospitality of the stranger. For Visnu thee!' he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Jagati [2]. 'For Agni thee, giver of wealth, for Visnu thee!' he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Anustubh. 'For the eagle, bringer of the Soma, thee, for Visnu thee!' he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Gayatri. He offers five times. The Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. The theologians say, 'For what reason is the Gayatri offered to on either side of the offering of hospitality?' Because the Gayatri brought the Soma down [3]; therefore is it offered to on both sides of hospitality, before and after. Hospitality is the head of the sacrifice, the sacrificial cake is offered on nine potsherds, therefore the head has nine apertures. The sacrificial cake is offered on nine potsherds. The three sets of three potsherds are commensurate with the Trivrt Stoma, the Trivrt is brilliance; verily he places brilliance in the head of the sacrifice. The sacrificial cake is offered on nine potsherds. The three sets of three potsherds are commensurate with the threefold breath, the breath is threefold [4]; verily in order he places the threefold breath in the head of the sacrifice. Now the Saccharum spontaneum shoots are the eyelashes of Prajapati, and his lids are pieces of sugar-cane. In that the strew is of Saccharum spontaneum and the dividing-stakes of sugar-cane, verily he brings together the eye of Prajapati.
Now the libations made by the gods the Asuras tore and ate. The gods saw the Gmelina arborea tree. (Thinking) 'It is fit for work; by it one can perform work', they made the enclosing sticks of Gmelina arborea wood [5], and by them they smote away the Raksases. In that the enclosing-sticks are made of Gmelina arborea wood, it is for the smiting away of the Raksases. He makes them touch, that the Raksases may not go through them. He does not place one in front, for the sun which rises in front smites away the Raksases. He places the kindling-sticks erect; verily from above he smites away the Raksases; (he places one) with a Yajus, the other in silence, to make a pair. He places two; the sacrifice has two feet; (verily they serve) for support. The theologians say [6], 'There are both Agni and Soma here; why is hospitality offered to Soma and not to Agni?' In that having kindled fire he places it on the fire, by that verily is hospitality offered to Agni. Or rather they say, 'Agni is all the gods.' In that he kindles fire after placing the oblation, he thus produces all the gods for the oblation when it has been placed.