The Exposition Of The Soma Sacrifice (Continued)
1. The Altars
vi. 3. 1.
From the pit he scatters (earth) on the altars; the pit is the birthplace of the sacrifice; (verily it serves) to unite the sacrifice with its birthplace. The gods lost by conquest the sacrifice; they won it again from the Agnidh's altar; the Agnidh's altar is the invincible part of the sacrifice. In that he draws off the altar fires from that of the Agnidh, he renews the sacrifice from the invincible part of it. Conquered as it were they go who creep to the Bahispavamana (Stotra) when the Bahispavamana has been sung [1], he says, 'Agnidh, draw off the fires, spread the strew, make ready the sacrificial cake.' Verily having re-won the sacrifice they keep renewing it.
At two pressings he draws off by means of embers, at the third with (flaming) splinters, to give it glory verily he completes it. The altars guarded the Soma in yonder world they took away the Soma from them; they followed it and surrounded it. He who knows thus [2] wins an attendant. They were deprived of the Soma drink; they besought the gods for the Soma drink; the gods said to them, 'Take two names each; then shall ye gain it, or not.' Then the altars became fires (also); therefore a Brahman who has two names is likely to prosper. Those which came nearest gained the Soma drink viz. the Ahavaniya, the Agnidh's altar, the Hotr's, and the Marjaliya; therefore they sacrifice on them. He leaves them out in uttering the cry for sacrifice, for [3] they were deprived of the Soma drink. The gods drove away the Asuras who were in front by the sacrifices which they offered on the eastern side, and the Asuras who were behind by those which they offered on the western side. Soma libations are offered in the east, seated to the west he besprinkles the altars; verily from behind and from in front the sacrificer smites away his enemies; therefore offspring are engendered behind, and are brought forth in front [4]. The altars are the breaths; if the Adhvaryu were to go past the altars to the west, he would mingle the breaths, he would be liable to die. The Hotr is the navel of the sacrifice; the expiration is above the navel, the inspiration is below; if the Adhvaryu were to go past the Hotr to the west, he would place the expiration in the inspiration, he would be liable to die.
The Adhvaryu should not accompany the song; the Adhvaryu's strength is his voice; if the Adhvaryu were to accompany the song, he would confer his voice on the Udgatr [5], and his voice would fail. The theologians say, 'The Adhvaryu should not go beyond the Sadas to the west before the Soma offering is completed. Then how is he to go to offer the sacrifices in the southern fire? Because that is the end of the fires. But how are the gods to know whether it is the end or not?' He goes round the Agnidh's altar to the north and offers the sacrifices in the southern fire; verily he does not mingle the breaths. Some of the altars are besprinkled, some not; those which he besprinkles he delights; those which he does not besprinkle he delights by indicating them.