The Exposition Of The Soma Sacrifice (Continued)
1. The Ukthya Cup
vi. 5. 1.
Indra raised his bolt to hurl at Vrtra; Vrtra was afraid of the bolt when raised to be hurled; he said, 'Hurl it not at me; there is this strength in me, that will I bestow on thee'; on him he bestowed the Ukthya. At him he raised (the bolt) to hurl a second time; he said, 'Hurl it not at me; there is this strength in me, that will I bestow on thee' [1]; on him he bestowed again the Ukthya. At him he raised (the bolt) to hurl a third time; Visnu supported him (saying), 'Smite'; he said, 'Hurl it not at me; there is this strength in me, that will I bestow on thee'; he bestowed on him again the Ukthya. Him when he had lost his magic power he slew, for the sacrifice was his magic power. In that the Ukthya is drawn, verily the sacrificer thus appropriates the power [2] and strength of his foe.
'To Indra thee, to him of the Brhat, the strong', he says, for to Indra he gave it; 'to him thee! To Visnu thee!' he says; in that Visnu supported him (saying), 'Strike', he gives Visnu a share therein. Thrice he draws, for thrice he gave to him., This is thy birthplace; thou art the renewed offering', he says, for repeatedly [3] he draws from it. The Ukthya is the eye of the sacrifice; therefore the Somas follow the Ukthya when offered; therefore the body follows the eye; therefore as one goes many follow; therefore one becomes superior among many; therefore one wins many wives.
If the Adhvaryu desire, 'May I bestow upon myself the glory of the sacrifice', standing between the Ahavaniya and the oblation-holder he should pour (it) down [4]; verily he bestows upon himself the glory of the sacrifice. If he desire, 'May I bestow upon the sacrificer the glory of the sacrifice', he should pour (it) down standing between the Sadas and the oblation-holder; verily he bestows upon the sacrificer the glory of the sacrifice. If he desire, 'May I bestow upon the Sadasyas the glory of the sacrifice', he should pour (it) down, grasping the Sadas; verily he bestows upon the Sadasyas the glory of the sacrifice.