The Exposition Of The Daksina And Other Offerings
1. The Daksina Offerings
vi. 6. 1.
The sacrifices with the gifts are offered for the world of heaven. He offers with two (verses) on the Garhapatya; the sacrificer has two feet; (verily it serves) for support. He offers in the Agnidh's altar; verily he ascends the atmosphere. He approaches the Sadas; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. He offers in the Garhapatya with verses addressed to Surya; verily he makes him mount yonder world. He offers in the Agnidh's altar with a verse containing the word 'Lead', for leading to the world of heaven.
'Go to the sky, fly to heaven', (with these words) he takes out the gold after the offering [1]; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. 'With my form I approach your form', he says; for by his form he approaches their form, in that (he approaches) with gold. 'May Tutha, all knowing, allot to you', he says; Tutha, all knowing, was wont to allot the gifts of the gods; verily thereby he divides them. 'This gift of thine, O Agni [2], cometh, impelled by the Soma', he says, for his gift comes impelled by the Soma. 'Lead it by the path of Mitra', he says, for atonement. 'Go ye on by the path of holy order, of brilliant gifts', he says; holy order is truth; verily with truth, with holy order, he divides them. 'Leading prosperity by the path of the sacrifice', he says, for the gifts go by the path of the sacrifice. 'May I win a Brahman to-day [3], a seer and sprung from seers', he says; the learned man is a Brahman, a seer and sprung from seers; therefore he says thus. 'Gaze on the heaven, gaze on the atmosphere', he says; verily he makes him go to the world of' heaven. 'Join those in the seat', he says, for friendship.
'Given by us, go to the gods, full of sweetness; enter the giver', he says; 'we here are givers; do ye there enter us, full of sweetness' [4], he says in effect. He gives gold; gold is light; verily he places light before, to light up the world of heaven. He gives to the Agnidh; verily he delights the seasons headed by Agni; he gives to the Brahman priest, for instigation; he gives to the Hotr; the Hotr is the self of the sacrifice; verily he unites the self of the sacrifice with the gifts.