The One Day Sacrifices
1. The Agnistoma
vii. 1. 1.
Production of offspring is light. Agni is the light of the gods; the Viraj is the light of the metres. The Viraj of speech ends in Agni; it is produced according to the Viraj. Therefore it is called light. Two Stomas bear the morning pressing, like expiration and inspiration; two the midday pressing, like eye and ear; two the third pressing, like speech and support. This sacrifice is commensurate with man, and is perfect [1]. Whatever desire a man has, he wins by it, for one wins all by that which is perfect. By means of the Agnistoma Prajapati created off spring; by means of the Agnistoma he grasped them. When he grasped them the mule escaped. Following it he took its seed, and placed it in the ass.
Therefore the ass has double seed. They also say, 'He placed it in the mare.' Therefore the mare has double seed. They also say, 'In the plants [2] he placed it.' Therefore plants, though not anointed, glisten.' They also say, 'He placed it in offspring.' Therefore twins are born. Therefore the mule has no offspring, for his seed has been taken from him. Therefore he is not suitable for the sacrifice, but is suitable if there is a sacrifice when one gives (to the priests) all one's goods or a thousand, for he escaped. He who knowing thus sacrifices with the Agnistoma begets unborn offspring and grasps those that are born. Therefore they say, 'It is the best of sacrifices [3].' Prajapati indeed is the best, for he sacrificed with it first. Prajapati desired, 'May I have offspring.' He meted out the Trivrt from his mouth. After it the god Agni was created, the Gayatri metre, the Rathantara Saman, of men the Brahman, of cattle the goat; therefore are they the chief, for they were produced from the mouth. From the breast and arms he meted out the Pancadaca Stoma. After it the god Indra was created, the Tristubh metre, the Brhat [4] Saman, of men the Rajanya, of cattle the sheep. There fore they are strong, for they were created from strength. From the middle he meted out the Saptadaca Stoma.
After it the All-gods as deities were created, the Jagati metre, the Vairupa Saman, of men the Vaicya, of cattle cows. Therefore are they to be eaten, for they were created from the receptacle of food. Therefore are they more numerous than others, for they were created after the most numerous of the gods. From his feet he meted out the Ekavinca Stoma. After it the Anustubh metre [5] was created, the Vairaja Saman, of men the cudra, of cattle the horse. Therefore the two, the horse and the cudra, are dependent on others. Therefore the cudra is not fit for the sacrifice, for he was not created after any gods. Therefore they depend on their feet, for they were created from the feet. The Trivrt is the breaths; the Pancadaca the half-months; the Saptadaca Prajapati; these worlds are three; the Ekavinca is the sun yonder. In this they rest, in this they find support. He who knows thus rests on this, finds, support in this.