The Ahina Sacrifices (Continued)
1. The Sadratra
vii. 2. 1.
The Sadhya gods, desirous of heaven, saw this (rite) of six nights. They grasped it, and sacrificed with it. Then indeed did they go to the world of heaven. Those, who knowing thus perform (the rite) of six nights, go to the world of heaven. (The rite) of six nights is a Sattra of the gods, for these Prsthas are obvious. Those, who knowing thus perform (the rite) of six nights, mount evidently upon the gods. (The rite) is of six nights; the seasons are six, the Prsthas are six [1]; verily by the Prsthas they mount the seasons, by the seasons the year; verily in the year they find support. They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara, (Samans).
The Rathantara, is this (earth), the Brhat is yonder (sky); verily with them do they proceed; verily also in them do they find support. These indeed are the quick paths of the sacrifice; verily by them do they proceed to the world of heaven. There is an Agnistoma with the Trivrt (Stoma); verily they win brilliance. There is a Pañcadaça (Stoma); verily they win power. There is a Saptadaça (Stoma) [2], for the winning of food; verily also by it they are propagated. There is an Ekavinça (Stoma), for support; verily also they place radiance in themselves. There is a Trinava (Stoma), for con quest. There is a Trayastrinça (Stoma), for support. They should sacrifice with this (rite) of six nights with both Sadas and oblation-holder. The oblation-holder and the Agnidh's seat should be of Açvattha wood, for that is heavenly. They should have wheels, for gaining the world of heaven. The sacrificial post is mortar-based, for support. They go forward, for forward as it were is the world of heaven [3].
They go with the Sarasvati. This is the path that goes to the gods; verily they mount upon it. They go calling aloud; verily fastening misfortune on another they attain support. When ten (cows) make a hundred, then is one time to stop. Man is of a hundred (years of) life and of a hundred powers; verily in life and power do they find support. When a hundred make a thousand, then is one time to stop. Yonder world is measured by a thousand; verily they conquer yonder world. If one of them perish or they be oppressed, then is one time to stop, for that is a suitable opportunity.