Ganamegaya 1 said :
What conversation, O twice-born one 2 I took place between the high-souled Kesava and Arguna, while they dwelt in that palace 3 after slaying their enemies?
Vaisampayana said :
The son of Pritha, after becoming possessed of his kingdom (in an) undisturbed (state), enjoyed himself in the company of Krishna, full of delight in that heavenly palace. And once, O king! they happened to go, surrounded by their people, and rejoicing, to a certain portion of the palace which resembled heaven. Then Arguna, the son of Pandu, having surveyed with delight that lovely palace, in the company of Krishna, spoke these words: 'O you of mighty arms! O you whose mother is Devaki 4! when the battle was about to commence, I became aware of your greatness, and that divine form of yours 5. But that, O Kesava! which through affection (for me) you explained before 6, has all disappeared, O tiger-like man! from my degenerate mind. Again and again, however, I feel a curiosity about those topics. But (now), O Madhava! you will be going at no distant date to Dvaraka.
Vaisampayana said :
Thus addressed, that best of speakers, Krishna, possessed of great glory, replied in these words after embracing Arguna.
Footnotes :
1. This is the prince to whom the Mahabharata, as we have it, purports to have been related.
2. I. e. Vaisampayana, who relates the Mahabharata to Ganamegaya.
3. This appears to have been situated at Indraprastha, and to have been the one built for the Pandavas by the demon Maya, as related in the Sabha Parvan.
4. This is a rather unusual form of address.
5. Cf. Bhagavadgita, chapters X and XI passim.
6. I. e. in the Bhagavadgita.