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[1] Metamorphoseon, seu de Asino Aureo, libri Xl. The well known and beautiful episode is in the fourth. the fifth, and the sixth books.
[2] This ceremony will be explained in a future page.
[3] A common exclamation of sorrow, surprise, fear, and other emotions. It is especially used by women.
[4] Quoted from view of the Hindoos, by William Ward, of Serampore (vol. i. p. 25).
[5] In Sanskrit, Vetala-pancha-Vinshati. "Baital" is the modern form of " Vetala.
[6] In Arabic, Badpai el Hakim.
[7] Dictionnaire philosophique sub v. " Apocryphes."
[8] I do not mean that rhymes were not known before the days of Al-Islam, but that the Arabs popularized assonance and consonance in Southern Europe.
[9] "Vikrama" means "valour " or " prowess."
[10] Mr. Ward of Serampore is unable to quote the names of more than nine out of the eighteen, namely: Sanskrit, Prakrit, Naga, Paisacha, Gandharba, Rakshasa, Ardhamagadi, Apa, and Guhyaka--most of them being the languages of different orders of fabulous beings. He tells us, however, that an account of these dialects may be found in the work called Pingala.
[11] Translated by Sir Wm. Jones, 1789; and by Professor Williams, 1856.
[12] Translated by Professor H. H. Wilson.
Author : Sir Richard R. Burton