A Question may be raised at this stage by those who have only heard of
or have a superficial acquaintance with the doctrine of Advaita. If
the Soul's separate existence is the result of illusion and God
along exists, why should there be this toilsome effort at so-called
liberation? Why should we not rest content with knowing the truth
that God alone exists? This might well be so, were the illusion a
mere optical illusion.
The Maya has wrought its effect not
only on the eyes but on every one of our senses and on our minds,
and has produced attachments, passions and turmoil's of the soul.
Rubbing the eyes alone will not do. We must wake up every atom of
our being to the reality, because the illusion goes to the depth of
our very being. Again, it is not enough to know that we should wake
up. It is necessary actually to wake up.
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari