Pose of showering blessings by indication in hand.
ABHAYAMBIKA: Name of the Goddess at Tirukkadaiyur temple who affords protection against fear and evil.
ABHISHEKAM: Daily ablution of Deities.
ACHARYAS: Spiritual preceptors.
ADHINAM: Head of Administration of Temples.
ADI: Primordial; the very original; Tamil month approximating to 16th July-
15th August.
ADIKUMBHESWARA: Lord Siva at Kumbakonam.
ADISESHA: The thousand-headed serpent symbolising the couch and canopy of Lord Vishnu.
ADVAITA: No Second, God is one and one alone.
AGAMA: Hindu scriptures other than Vedas.
AGNSTYA: The most influential Sage of the South, spiritual preceptor of kings and men.
AIPPASI: Tamil month approximating to 16th October-15th November.
AKASA: Sky and ether
AKHILANDESWARI: The name of the Goddess at Jambukeswaram; the Goddess of all worlds.
ALANKARAM: Decoration of deities with flowers, sandal paste, valuable ornaments and clothes.
AMALAKI: A tree with round sour fruits.
AMMAN Goddess Mother.
Author : Shri R. K. Das