1. For True National Reorganisation
Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Four - Moulding Men
XXXIII. The Technique That Succeeds
Failings of revolutionary and mass movements - Day-to-day technique for moulding men - Stress on practice - National symbol Bhagava Dhwaj, the Guru - Worship of ideal, not individual or book - Shakha, crucible of national reorganisation - Tradition of national festivals - Dangers of 'institutionalism' - Domination by militant groups, an un-Hindu concept - Sangh for organising whole society
An ideal requires a method, a process for its realisation in actuality. Today all around us we witness various types of techniques being adopted by several organisations. Even at the time of the founding of our organisation these different methods of work were in vogue. And it was not that Dr. Hedgewar, the founder of the Sangh, was unaware of those systems when he evolved this particular technique for our organisation. On the contrary, for quite a long time before he started the Sangh, he was in the thick of the activities of those organisations and was well acquainted with their techniques.
Why then did he start a separate organisation with a separate technique? Is it because he wanted credit and applause for himself as the founder and leader of an independent organisation? Nothing could be farther from truth. Doctorji had received enough applause on other platforms. With the spirit of boundless sacrifice, tremendous energy of action and flash of genius it was mere child's play for him, had he so desired, to get the highest political prizes of the land. But he gave up all that and started this silent and unassuming type of organisation.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar