The purport of the speeches was that for all serious problems of corruption, fissiparous tendencies, lack of patriotism among a few citizens, internal and external threat to the unity and integrity of the Nation referred to in the speeches, which have become a menace to the health of the Nation, the only solution in his opinion was Hinduism (Dharma or Sanatana Dharma), which happens to be the Culture evolved in this Country from most ancient times and which comprises within itself, the moral values in personal and public life, a deep sense of patriotism, respect for all religions, the preservation of which falls within the Fundamental right guaranteed under Article 29 of the Constitution, which constitutes no appeal to religion within the meaning of Section 123 (3) of the R. P. Act, 1951, and it does not create any enmity between any class of citizens on the basis of religion or language which alone is a corrupt practice under S. 123 (3A) of the R.P. Act.
Authors : Shri M. Rama Jois