Training In Real Tolerance > Page1
Tolerance (Sahana-Shilata) is defined as voluntary endurance of inconveniences pertaining to the mind, speech and body, in a spirit of equanimity, so that a person attains to purity of
Training In Real Tolerance (Sahana-Shilata) :
Tolerance (Sahana-Shilata) without the attainment of purity of soul does not lead to attainment of the Supreme Reality (Param- Atma). A merchant may
engage himself in business for profit without even taking food and drink for some time. A
student may persistently keep awake studying during examination. These are a
few practical examples of worldly tolerance. Such activities inspired
by selfish motives are common.
Noble tolerance having higher human values dawns
in life only when a person endures hardship for others, even at the cost of his
own personal gains and works. During the practice of tolerance, one has to cultivate a
spirit of equanimity and develop virtues like patience, calmness and
forbearance. Again, here is a matter of voluntary endurance, because
one engages oneself in it only for his own spiritual welfare.
Author : Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji)