The Re-Emergence Of The Hindu Mind
The Perennial Hindu Mind > Page1
The Hindu mind[1] represents humanity’s oldest and most continuous stream of conscious intelligence on the planet. Hindu sages, seers, saints, yogis and jnanis have maintained an unbroken current of awareness linking humanity with the Divine since the dawn of history, and as carried over from earlier cycles of civilization in previous humanities unknown to our present spiritually limited culture. The Hindu mind sustains a connection with the cosmic mind and the blueprint of creation and evolution in this physical world, as well as our connection to worlds more subtle and spiritual. The Hindu mind has a vision of eternity and infinity. It is aware of the vast cycles of creation and destruction that govern the many universes and innumerable creatures within them.
The Hindu mind is not a name and form based intellect, just as the Hindu tradition is not a name and form based tradition. It is not attached to a particular name that can be used like a title or slogan to promote an exclusive or simplistic belief. One can call the Hindu mind the ‘yogic mind’, ‘Vedic mind’, ‘Dharmic mind’, ‘Atmic mind’, or other terms, which indicate some aspect of it. The term ‘Hindu’, possessing limited ethnic connotations in the minds of many, may not be the best, but it is the one most used today and remains most convenient for purposes of communication. More accurately, the Hindu mind is the mind of Sanatana Dharma (Sanatana Dharma Buddhi), the universal or eternal Dharma that transcends person, history, institution or social identity.
Author - David Frawley