The Western School Of Thought In Crisis > Page1
The current western school of thought operative behind the spread of western culture today is actually more a school of non-thinking, not really a school of thought at all (just as the modern monoculture is no real culture at all). Its basis is commercialization, standardization, mass production and media stereotypes. It is mainly a school of advertising and marketing or of projecting political slogans. Just as the modern monoculture destroys other cultures, so too the current western school of thought destroys other schools of thought, which become at most footnotes within it.
Western culture today contains little deep thinking or seeking to get to the reality that transcends appearances, except in the counterculture and alternative thinkers that look to other civilizational models. The prevalent western school is a practical or business school aimed at getting results, which means accumulating money and winning the masses to a western way of life or, at best, improving the world through technology.
The western intellectual culture of Europe that developed from the Renaissance and flourished through the nineteenth century is almost dead today. European traditions of classical music, art, literature and philosophy were the first victims of the commercial monoculture that arose in the West. Their creative roots dried up. Their productions became commercialized. They remain more as museum pieces or as performance extravaganzas to encourage another level of spending. Classical Indian music and dance on the other hand are more popular than ever.
Author - David Frawley