There appear to have been no hard and fast rules of Samskaras during the Vedic period. The earliest suggestions of Samskaras are, however, found in the Rig-Veda. Hymns now used in the rituals of marriage, conception and funeral are to be found there, besides others that are generally recited during all rituals. Beyond this the Rigveda does not contain positive or systematic rules of Samskaras.
The Sama Veda hardly has any material on the subject. In Yajurveda we have references to the tonsure ceremony, which, however, is common to the Shrauta or Yaga ceremonies too. The Atharva Veda is a rich source of mantras relating to several of the Samskaras like marriage, funeral, initiation for Vedic studies, etc., although there is no systematic treatment.
Author - V.A.K.Ayer