Arjuna had left Yudhishthira behind to repel Drona's attacks and had gone
to make good his word that before sunset Jayadratha would lie dead on the field of battle.
Jayadratha had been the main cause of Abhimanyu's death. He it was who
had effectively prevented the relief of Abhi- manyu by the Pandavas, and thereby caused
Abhimanyu to be isolated, overpowered and slain.
We have seen how Yudhishthira in his anxiety sent first Satyaki and
then Bhima to join Arjuna in his battle against Jayadratha. Bhima reached where Arjuna
wasengaged and sounded his simhanada. Dharmaputra heard the lion-roar of Bhima and knew
that Arjuna was found alive.
It was the fourteenth day and the battle raged fiercely at many points,
between Satyaki and Bhurisravas at one place, between Bhima and Karna at another and
between Arjuna and Jayadratha at a, third.
Drona remained at the main front resisting the attack of the Panchalas
and the Pandavas, and leading a counter-offensive against them.
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari