[Adhyaya IX-Sloka 22.
Adhyaya X-Slokas 9-11, Adhyaya XII-Slokas 5-7. Adhyaya XIV-Sloka26.
Adhyaya XVIII-Slokas 62, 64-66.]
The Gita recognizes the difficulty of worship in terms of the Impersonal and Absolute. The aspirant is, therefore, advised practice contemplation of God in His personal aspect as loving Ruler of the universe. Even keeping Him in mind, let us engage ourselves in all activities, and dedicate all our work to God as service and worship done unto Him.
Ultimately it is His
Grace alone that can save us, by giving us power of self-control,
knowledge and Peace, and protecting us from temptation, doubt,
weakness and confusion. This aspect of Hindu faith is known as the
Bhakti path of Salvation.
It is, however, not an alternative to, but a complement of, the practice of an Unselfish and detached attitude in the performance of the duties that fall to one's lot. There is no question as to which is the more important of the two, the seeking of Grace or the performance of duty. Either may be considered as the primary and the other as the complementary part of the Gita teaching.