[Adhyaya V-Slokas 16, 18. Adhyaya VI-Slokas 29-31. Adhyaya Vlll--Slokas 9, l0, 12-14,
19-20, 22. Adhyaya XVIII-Slokas 20, 45-49.]
Regulating conduct, controlling the mind, and dedicating all activities as worship unto
the Supreme Being, the aspirant realises in course of time the
oneness of all existence. The identification of self with all life
and of all with the Divine is the Jnana, which the Gita wants the
disciple to strive to attain, so as to liberate the soul from the
enveloping darkness of ignorance. Differences between the cultured
and the uncultured, distinctions of high and low and even of one
life-form from another, all melt away in the enlarged and clarified
vision of the man who attains true enlightenment. Even the
"eater of dog's meat" becomes one with the rest.
Author : Shri C. Raja Gopalachari