Real connotation of terms 'National',
'Integration', 'Communal', etc.- "Majority Communalism" a fallacious term -
Seven types of communalism - Perversion due to sectarian over-attachment - The ways and
means to tackle communalism: National smaskars for all; Giving up wrong language policy;
Unitary State; Stopping aggressive acts - Ways of real assimilation - RSS mission of
Our True National Life
1. The national life of Bharat is an ancient one. The social life here
has been woven round a cultural tradition imbued with common life-ideals stemming out of a
common comprehensive life-philosophy. This has been a living tradition since ages, well
before the Islamic and Christian invaders stepped on this soil. The thread of inherent
unity has never snapped in spite of apparent distinctions and dissensions among castes,
creeds, sects and even political kingdoms. The human group, which has been expressing this
unified current of life has been popularly known as the "Hindu". The national
life in Bharat is therefore the Hindu National Life.
What is "Intergration"?
2. It is on positive and true understanding that the discussion regarding
National Integration should be based. "Integration" is nothing less than
strengthening the spirit of identification with this true national mainstream, its
tradition and its aspirations.
"National", "Communal", "anti-national"
3. All such works which help nourishing and strengthening this
national ethos are "national". All such groups who consider themselves distinct
from this national ethos and cherish hopes and aspirations in opposition to the national
ones and demand separate rights and privilege for themselves are to be called
If in their attempt to achieve their separate rights etc., they attack the
national society - whether in the form of religious conversion or destruction or
desecration of places of worship or insulting the memory of the great sons of this soil or
in whatever other manner, such groups should be termed "anti-national."
4. The Hindu in Bharat can never be termed "communal". He has ever been
devoted to Bharat and ready to strive for its progress and uphold its honour. The national
life-values of Bharat are indeed derived from the life of Hindus. As such he is the
"national" here, and never "communal".
A Fallacious Expression
5. The expression "communalism of the majority" is totally wrong
and misconceived. In a democracy the opinion of the majority has to hold the sway in the
day-to-day life of the people. As such it will be but proper to consider the practical
conduct of the life of majority as the actual life of the national entity. From this point
of view also, efforts to uplift the life of Hindus is national and not communal. The
* Note to National Integration council. term "majority
communalism" is thus opposed to the spirit of democracy. Under foreign domination,
since they were considering the entire people as their slaves divided into distinct castes
and communities, it was natural that they should be using such terms as majority and
minority communalism. But under independence, the rule being of majority, to speak of
"majority communalism" is opposed to logic, truth and justice.
Duty to be Vigilant
6. The Hindu always has been showing due respect to all other beliefs. He does not
look upon diversity in worship as something incompatible with national unity. He opposes
at times the attitude of adopting separatist policy in material life under the pretext of
laying maximum emphasis on religion and also the demands for special privileges which
cause injury to national life. In fact it is his natural paramount duty to exercise
vigilance always and steadfastly oppose all such tendencies.
Appeasement Harmful
7. It is detrimental to national life to support such tendencies, to adopt
the policy of appeasement of such groups by meeting their anti-national demands, to
indulge in bargaining with them for temporary ends, and, with a view to appeasing them,
cause harm to points of national pride and honour and national interests and beliefs.
8. It would be a great folly and travesty of truth to term such right tendencies
that oppose these perverted anti-national attitudes, as ‘Communalism of Hindus’.
It is a sign of pervert intellect. It is in fact the duty of every nationally conscious
citizen to oppose such tendencies.
Communalism: Seven Types
9. Communalism appears in several forms. The non-Hindu groups
arraying themselves against the Hindu people - in whose life-stream the Bharatiya nation
finds its true expression - are in a way communal. There are communalists in Hindu Society
itself, who originally came into existence in the form of creeds as a manifestation of the
many-sided Hindu genius, but who later on forgot the source of their inspiration and
creation and began to consider themselves as being different from Hindu samaj and dharma,
and who on that premise demand separate and exclusive political and economic privileges,
and to achieve those demands proclaim themselves to be different form Hindu Society and
take to various agitations. Neo-Buddhists and Sikhs are of this type. The third form of
communalism is of groups like Dravida Kazhagam and Davidra Munnetra Kazhagam who, on the
fallacious assumptions of racial distinctness, claim separation, and who to achieve their
ends spread hatred, enmity and violence against the rest of society. The fourth type
consists of those who rouse controversies in the name of "touchability" and
"untouchability", "Brahmin" and "non-Brahmin" and fan
hatred, enmity, selfishness, and demands for special privileges. There is the fifth type,
the communalism of linguistic groups, who indulge in spreading aversion, rivalry and
hatred against other linguistic neighbours. The term "linguistic minorities" is
born out of this tendency. The sixth type of communalism is one of narrow provincial
feelings and of adopting unhealthy attitudes towards people from other provinces. South
and North, Punjabi and non-Punjabi, Marathi, versus Kannada, Gujarati versus Marathi,
Bengal-Bihar-Orrisa difference are of this type. There is the seventh type of communalism
which aggravates differences of caste, creed, language, etc., and fans mutual hatred to
achieve electoral ends. This is the most dangerous type rampant all over the country, of
which many political parties, including the party in power, are guilty. So long as
this-the political-type of communalism exists, it is well-nigh impossible to eradicate any
other form of communalism. If only this seventh type of communalism is eschewed, then
shall we find it less difficult to deal with the other forms. (Only the more prominent
types are pointed out here; there may be some more, the minor ones.)
Origin of Conflict
10. Form the above, it is evident that whereas some types of
communalism are bred on the basis of religious creeds, others flourish solely on the basis
of selfish secular interests. It is therefore fallacious to say that communalism is the
antithesis of secularism. In fact, there will not be usually any conflict in the religious
field merely on the basis of diversity in faiths. Conflicts are generated due to mutual
rivalry in cornering greater secular gains.
Dhrama is Broader
11. Logic and history do not bear out either that ideas of dharma
are narrow or that economic interests are more comprehensive. Under the religious
domain of Christianity, there are several nation-states in America and Europe founded on
narrow economic interests. Under the religious expanse of Islam, there are several states
based on narrow economic and racial interests. Under one vast Sanatana dharma (which
includes under its wings all Vedic, non-Vedic, and other faiths born in this land)
there are states like Bharat, Nepal, etc., formed on the basis economic considerations. It
is therefore evident that the pursuit of religion gives a broad base whereas economic
interests narrow down the relations.
Eschew Over-Attachment
12. Dharma is the eternal law of life, which gives an arrangement
for all times and is all-embracing. It is clear from the illustrations given above that
within the fold of Dharma particular forms of worship based on vested economic interests
may also exist. Over-attachment to small creeds, beliefs and sub-beliefs create parochial
feelings and become an instrument for spreading animosity and conflict in the path of
achieving equality and harmony of economic and other secular interests. And hence, such
over attachment is undesirable.
13. If any one wants to forge unity on the basis of economic interests,
ignoring dharma, society, nation, etc., then such unity cannot be achieved in a
particular limited piece of land; it can only be done on a global level comprehending all
the cross-sections of the entire mankind of diverse economic interests. Then 'National
Integration' will have lost all its meaning and purpose.
What is Aimed at
14. while bringing about integration with the nation in its
practical life, destruction of distinct ways of worship is not aimed at, only putting an
end to undesirable tendencies of exclusiveness and intolerance is aimed at; destruction of
languages is not aimed at, but the separatism and the desire to secede born out of
language fanaticism is only aimed at.
Rouse Intense Devotion
1. Regardless of caste and creed, every individual should be taught
that it is the supreme duty of all the people of Bharat to proclaim unhesitatingly the
truth of the Hindu Nationhood of Bharat and to make it strong, prosperous, virile and
sovereign. Intense devotion to this Nation should be roused in one and all.
2. While respecting and protecting the religions of non-Hindus,
arrangements should be made to impart smaskars to them of love and respect for the
tradition, history, life-attitudes, ideals and values of this nation, and to identify
their aspirations with those of the nation.
No Divisive Talks
3. In secular life all citizens are equal; this principle should be
strictly adhered to. We must cry a complete halt to forming groups based on caste, creed,
etc., and demanding exclusive rights and privileges in services, financial aids, admission
in educational institutions and all such other fields. To talk and think in terms of
"minorities" and "communities" should be totally put an end to.
Set Right Wrong Language Policy
4. A free nation will have its own language for mutual intercourse.
Out of several national languages, Hindi has been accepted as the link language from the
point of view of its ease and convenience. In the name of making it easy, to make it
unintelligible by Urduising it, is to import communalism and communal appeasement into the
sovereign independence of the nation. This attitude towards State Language of the nation
or to treat it at par with English, which binds our country to the bandwagon of a foreign
language, is to strike at the roots of our sublime national ethos. Intense devotion to the
nation being the mainstay of Integration, these wrong language policies should at once be
For a Unitary State
5. We are one country, one society, and one nation, with a
community of life-values and secular aspirations and interests; and hence it is natural
that the affairs of the nation are governed through a single state of the unitary type.
The present federal system generates and feeds separatist feelings. In a way, it negates
the truth of a single nationhood and is, therefore, divisive in nature. It must be
remedied and the Constitution amended and cleaned so as to establish Unitary Form of
Stop Aggressive Practices
6. The present policy of the government towards the attacks and
transgressions, such as destruction of places of worship and breaking of idols,
cow-slaughter, illegal construction of peer graves, dragah, makbara, cross, in private or
public places, stopping religious processions etc. under unjust pretexts, rioting,
threatening, etc., is detrimental to Integration in the extreme. Instead of preventing
these acts, the policy of supporting and promoting them in a clandestine fashion is only
creating more discord. It should therefore be eschewed forthwith and policy of putting an
end to such evil practices must be pursued with will and vigour.
Hindu: No Divided Loyalty
7. Only in the soil of Bharat have the Hindus pinned their
sentiments of dharma. The appeal of the holy places takes him round the entire
Bharat, and Bharat only. His material interests also are embedded in Bharat only. As such,
this devotion is wholly and solely to Bharat. Hence there can never be any conflict in his
mind between Swadharma and Swadesh; there has always been identification
between the two. There are no divided loyalties in him. It is impossible to find in him
any loyalty to dharma in contradistinction or in opposition to loyalty to country.
It is a proof positive that Hindus are a hundred per cent national society here. To call
them "communal" and to place them at par with those people whose loyalties are
divided and at times questionable is unjust and unwise.
Conversion Subverts Loyalty
8. Conversion of Hindus into other religions is nothing but making
them succumb to divided loyalty in place of having undivided and absolute loyalty to the
nation. It is dangerous to the security of the nation and the country. It is therefore
necessary to put a stop to it. Conversion of an individual does not take place after a
serious and comparative study of philosophies by him. It is by exploitation of poverty,
illiteracy and ignorance, offering of inducements and by deceptive tactics that people are
converted. There is no question of a true change of heart involved in this. It is but
right that this unjust activity is prohibited. It is a duty we have to discharge towards
protecting our brethren in ignorance and poverty.
The Right Direction and Present Perversion
9. Hindu philosophy, being all-comprehensive, has potency to
assimilate non-Hindu communities. Pt. Nehru had this in his mind when he said that it is
necessary to assimilate Muslims and Christians into Hindu society in the same manner as
invaders like Shakas and Hunas were assimilated in the past. In that speech, Pt. Nehru has
given the right direction for achieving national unity and for unifying the various creeds
of worship and instilling in them a common point of devotion. However, the present
attempts are such as to discredit the Hindus and, through the appeasement policy, to make
the non-Hindus more aggressive in their already existing aggressive designs. In this way,
the heritage and the tradition of Hindus are being insulted, making them imbecile and
incapable of defending themselves. This perverted policy is equivalent to not only
discarding the correct direction given by Pt. Nehru but even negating it. It is essential
that this perversion is set right, and a policy of upholding the honoured place of Hindus,
who have been sticking to the path of unflinching national loyalty all along, and
integrating others with them in tune with those norms, be followed.
Dissolve the Committee
10. The committee formed in the name of National Integration has,
by giving a scope for several disgruntled groups to air their demands and complaints,
roused in them a hope that their divisive demands would be conceded because of the
committee’s assurances of finding a way out of communalism and its talk of defining
"communalism" with a view to eliminating it. By this the desire to maintain
their entities separate may become only more acute in several groups, that is all.
Repeated calls for "National Integration" only lead to, and
strengthen the undesirable impression that presently it is lamentably lacking. Therefore
the very existence of the committee now appears to be against its very basic purpose. As
such it is necessary to dissolve it forthwith. It will be a great step in furtherance of
"National Integration".
The Mission
Realising the national character of Hindu People, the RSS has been
making determined efforts to inculcate in them burning devotion for Bharat and its
national ethos; kindle in them the spirit of dedication and sterling qualities and
character; rouse social consciousness, mutual good-will, love and cooperation among them
all; to make them realise that casts, creeds and languages are secondary and that service
to the nation is the supreme end and to mould their behaviour accordingly; instil in them
a sense of true humility and discipline and train their bodies to be strong and robust so
as to shoulder any social responsibility; and thus to create all-round Anushasana
in all walks of life and build together all our people into a unified harmonious national
whole, extending from Himalayas to Kanyakumari.
The Convictions
The Sangh has no demands to make. It does not fight for special
rights or privileges. It does not compete in electioneering politics, nor has it any
desire to share power. As such, it does not also have any such policy. It cherishes no
ambitions other than to make our nation organised, prosperous and glorious, and to
dedicate our all at its altar. It has no place, therefore, for any hatred or opposition
towards any particular caste, creed or party. Being positively Hindu in its outlook, it
has equal respect, love and tolerance towards all. The function of state according to
Hindu concept is limited to secular matters only. It is against the Hindu faith and
tradition to think in terms of exclusive and special rights on the basis of any creed or
The Retarding Hand
It is clear that this aim of Sangh is the same as re-establishing the
integrated feeling of oneness of the nation which has been flowing down since times
immemorial. Some suspicions have been roused with regard to this, because, the Government
and certain important members of the ruling party, and some other political parties have
maliciously described it as subversive. Otherwise, it would have by now succeeded to a
large extent in dispelling provincialism, linguistic animosities, casteism, etc,. rampant
all around today and there would have been no need to constitute any committee for that
A Sacred Vow
The RSS has been working all these years, placing the unshakable
faith in its mission of building a strong, reorganised and unified national life and has
taken to this path as a sacred vow of duty. By the Grace of Almighty, it shall continue to
do so and shall succeed in it at no distant date.
Broadly speaking:
1. People whose loyalty to the country and her traditions, to her heroes down the
centuries, to her security and prosperity, is undivided and unadulterated, are national.
2. People who though entertaining such loyalty think in terms of their sect, caste,
language or so called race in contradistinction to the rest of the people, and strive for
their own limited benefit and enjoyment of political power, for enjoying special rights
and privileges not claimed or enjoyed by the general people, and for these purposes envy,
hate, oppose and sometimes take recourse even to violent means, are communal.
3. (i) Groups whose loyalty is divided and who have loyalties superior to that
mentioned in (1) and who in case of conflict of loyalties would disregard, or be
indifferent to, the interests of the country, and choose to serve other objects of their
faith, are hostiles.
(ii) Groups who continue to believe themselves to be aliens,
aggressors, victors and erstwhile masters and rulers of the country, are aliens evidently,
and when there is a desire to re-establish themselves as such rulers, are also hostile.
4. Those, who though nationals, would, out of some perverted notions, strive to break
away from the people as a whole and form themselves into a separate and conflicting state,
are anti-national.
5. (i) Such of those mentioned in (4) who would not hesitate to join hands with those
mentioned in (3) (i) and (ii) to achieve their ends, or would like to, or actually try to,
league with any foreign power for these ends, are traitors.
(ii) Political parties, which to gain or retain power, would associate
with or give preferential treatment to such as are mentioned in (3) (i) and (ii) & (4)
may be classed with (5) (i).
(iii) Political parties professing an ideology forming the basis of
foreign powers, who would prefer such powers to the country, would tolerate, explain away,
justify, or overtly or covertly assist such powers even against the country and in case of
their aggression on our country are both traitors and enemies.
Unfortunately all such classes are existing in our holy land, a proper
and fearless understanding of which is essential to the building up of a strong integrated
national life.
In all such groups exceptions are bound to exist. Traitorous
individuals amongst the nationals, and patriotic individuals amongst the other groups, may
be found. Let us learn to discriminate between individual qualities and psychology of the
mass. It is common experience that patriotic individuals in the other groups are swept off
their feet when mass frenzy bursts forth. It is this psychology of the mass group as a
whole that has to be considered and dealt with on a social, cultural, historical and
political basis, keeping the interests of the country before the eyes as the supreme
object of achievement. The general law is sufficient to deal with individual cases of
perversity or hostility.
The interests of (1) are supreme and must be held aloft. (2) and (4)
have to be dealt with prudence and strength, sympathy and loving understanding so as to
wean them away from their fissiparous activities, likely to be detrimental or dangerous to
the country and nation. The others have to be put down with a strong hand by all possible
Some Apprehensions
After the Usha Bhargava episode at Jabalpur, many leaders including
Pt. Nehru, have started freely using the term "majority communalism" and
accusing the Hindu people of "communalism" and threatening to crush it. It is in
this background that the present ‘National Integration Council’ has been formed.
So, it gives rise to the suspicion whether under the innocuous veil of ‘National
Integration’ a mischievous move is afoot to dub such organisations as are working for
the protection and welfare of Hindus as "communal", to break the spirit of
self-respect and self-confidence in the Hindu Society thus making it imbecile, and to woo
and appease the anti-Hindu communities thus encouraging them in their aggressive designs.
Failure to carry out an impartial enquiry into Aligarh incidents, and giving a
clean chit to the Aligarh University authorities.
Under the guise of simplifying Hindi in Akashvani, Urduising it thereby
corrupting and making it unintelligible, although it is being used in accordance with the
spirit of our Constitution.
Assurance given by the Education Minister of U.P. for the removal from
the textbooks of references to our national heroes and the banning of celebration of Hindu
festivals in schools.
Pursing a policy of not expelling the illegal Muslim infiltrators from
East Bengal although such a step is perfectly legal. To advise the West Bengal Government
not to protest against the atrocities being perpetrated against the Hindus in East Bengal,
and to advance the strange argument that such a step would create a sense of insecurity in
the minds of "minorities", i.e., the Muslims, here. These and similar other
instances could be quoted to confirm our worst doubts and provide evidence for the policy
of Muslim appeasement.
A news appeared in papers some time ago that the subcommittee which is now formed would
invite the spokesmen of the various "communal" organisations and seek their
views. However, the sub-committee itself is formed to lay down the definition of
"communalism". Hence, to declare some bodies as "communal" even before
defining what "communalism" is, gives room for doubt about its honesty of
Some honourable members of the sub-committee have, on several occasions, named many
Hindu personalities and institutions as "communal". This attitude to indulging
in allegations even before the meaning of that term is decided casts doubts about the
integrity of such persons.
Can any honest enquiry be expected of a committee consisting of such persons and born
with such background?
Chief Minister of Maharashtra was asked (by the sub-committee) whether he had any
intention of carving out a separate state, completely out of the domain of union of India.
Asking such question is disgraceful and insulting. It is a proof of the prejudiced minds
of the committee members. Can a truthful enquiry be expected form such prejudiced minds?
It is said the Council is interested only with the views of political parties. Where,
then, is the propriety of inviting the RSS, which has nothing to do with politics?
What are the powers of the Council? If it is only a forum for exchange of views and
advices without any purpose or use, then would it not be a mere waste of time to indulge
in such an exercise?
The Government and the ruling party appear to have a dominating voice in the Council.
Under these conditions, would it not be futile to expect an impartial consideration of the
issues? |