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The Atharva Veda

Hindu Books > Hindu Scriptures > The Vedas > The Atharva Veda

Excerpt From The Introduction

The present volume of translations comprises about one third of the entire material of the Atharva-veda in the text of the Saunaka-school. But it represents the contents and spirit of the fourth Veda in a far greater measure than is indicated by this numerical statement.

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I. Charms To Cure Diseases And Possession By Demons Of Disease (Bhaishagykni).

1. May Agni drive the takman away from here, may Soma, the press-stone, and Varuna, of tried skill; may the altar, the straw (upon the altar), and the brightly-flaming fagots (drive him away)! Away to naught shall go the hateful powers!

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II. Prayers For Long Life And Health (Āyushyāni).

1. I release thee unto life by means of (my) oblation, from unknown decline, and from consumption. If Grāhi (seizure) has caught hold (gagrāha) of this person here, may Indra and Agni free him from that!

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III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, And Enemies (Ābhikārikāni And Krityāpratiharanāni).

1. The sorcerer (yātudhāna) that vaunts himsel and the Kimīdin do thou, O Agni, convey hither! For thou, O god, when lauded, becomest the destroyer of the demon.

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IV. Charms Pfrtaining To Women (Strikaratkv1).

1. May, O Agni, a suitor after our own heart come to us, may he come to this maiden with our fortune! May she, agreeable to suitors, charming at festivals, promptly obtain happiness through a husband!

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V. Charms Pertaining To Royalty (Rāgakarmāni).

1. Himself prosperous (bhūto), he does put strength into the beings (bhūteshu); he became the chief lord of the beings (bhūtānām). To his consecration death does come: may he, the king, favour this kingdom!

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VI. Charms To Secure Harmony, Influence In The Asse-Nibly, And The Like (Sāmmanasyāni, Etc.).

1. Unity of heart, and unity of mind, freedom from hatred, do I procure for you. Do ye take delight in one another, as a cow in her (new-) born calf!

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VII. Charms To Secure Prosperity In House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, And Kindred Matters.

1. Right here do I erect a firm house: may it stand upon a (good) foundation, dripping with ghee! Thee may we inhabit, O house, with heroes all, with strong heroes, with uninjured heroes!

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VIII. Charms In Expiation Of Sin And Defilement.

1. Pass far away, O sin of the mind! Why dost thou utter things not to be uttered? Pass away, I love thee not! To the trees, the forests go on! With the house, the cattle, is my mind.

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IX. Prayers And Imprecations In The Interest Of The Brahmans.

1. The gods, O king, did not give to thee this (Cow) to eat. Do not, O prince, seek to devour the cow of the Brāhmana, which is unfit to be eaten!

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X. Cosmogonic And Theosophic Hymns.

1. Truth, greatness, universal order (rita), strength. consecration, creative fervour (tapas), spiritual exaltation (brahma), the sacrifice, support the earth. May this earth, the mistress of that which was and shall be, prepare for us a broad domain!

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Published on: 2003-07-01 (3408 reads)

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