The temple of Lord Kapaleshwarar is one of the ancient Sivasthalas of the South situated in the city of Madras. It is here that Tirujnana was installed in this temple and worshipped by lord Brahma and given the name of Kapaleeswarar. Once Brahma out of vanity and pride remained aloof and did not pay respect to Lord shiva and Parvati Devi, when he met them at Mount Kailas. Lord Siva flew into a rage and prinched off one of Brahma's heads on order to teach him a lesson. Brahma got frightened, felt sorry for what had happened and came to Mylapore to worship the Lord. He installed a Sivalingam and conducted penance. As lord Siva took away one of the heads, i.e., kapalams, of Brahma, the Sivalingam installed here came to the known as Kapaleeswarar.
Author : Shri R. K. Das