If there is one god whose name is known and recognized throughout the
world, it is SriKrishna. Philosophers identify Krishna as the
teacher of that amrita (nectar) known as Srimadbhagavadgita. The
pious identify Him as the savior and protector of those who seek and
surrender to Him. Students of the Gita know Him as the charioteer
friend and mentor of Arjuna. Students of the epic Mahabharata know
Him as the pivot around which hundreds of ugly events that occurred
were resolved through His guidance and intervention.
The most notable example of his power
was the spectacular saving of Draupadi�s honor in the court of
Dhritarashtra. For his bhaktas (devotees) Krishna is a delight with
His playful pranks as a child. Who can ever forget the episode of
the child Krishna eating mud and revealing the three worlds when the
shocked mother Yashoda asked Him to open His mouth! And his teasing
of the gopees as a young lover? What fun the citizens of Dwaraka
must have had!
Author : Dr.Srinivasan