Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Two - The Nation And Its Problems
XV. Affirm Basic Truths
Real connotation of terms 'National', 'Integration', 'Communal', etc.- "Majority Communalism" a fallacious term - Seven types of communalism - Perversion due to sectarian over-attachment - The ways and means to tackle communalism: National smaskars for all; Giving up wrong language policy; Unitary State; Stopping aggressive acts - Ways of real assimilation - RSS mission of Integration.
Our True National Life
1. The national life of Bharat is an ancient one. The social life here has been woven round a cultural tradition imbued with common life-ideals stemming out of a common comprehensive life-philosophy. This has been a living tradition since ages, well before the Islamic and Christian invaders stepped on this soil. The thread of inherent unity has never snapped in spite of apparent distinctions and dissensions among castes, creeds, sects and even political kingdoms. The human group, which has been expressing this unified current of life has been popularly known as the "Hindu". The national life in Bharat is therefore the Hindu National Life.
What Is "Intergration" ?
2. It is on positive and true understanding that the discussion regarding National Integration should be based. "Integration" is nothing less than strengthening the spirit of identification with this true national mainstream, its tradition and its aspirations.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar