Bunch Of Thoughts
M.S. Golwalkar
Part Three - The Path To Glory
(A) Rousing National Consciousness
XXIII. Worshippers Of Victory
Deifying the great - Misreading of scriptures - Selfishness, helplessness at the root - Effort is God - Great examples - Worship of the victorious - Martyr, great but not ideal - Lesson of Rajput martyrdom - Act, do not react - Philosophy of right action.
Our great men stand as lamp posts on the path to the fulfillment of our national life-mission and national glory. In order that the coming generations may pursue that path with success, it is essential that their inspiring memories and examples are kept undimmed in the national mind and the lessons of the lives and deeds of those masters of thought and action are presented in their true perspective. It is precisely with this end in view that the celebration of the anniversaries of birth and death of our ancient heroes has found a pride of place in our national tradition since hoary times.
Author : M. S. Golwalkar